Easter SpecialTHE DISCIPLE MANKIND HATES THE MOST (Part 5)By Benson C Saili

Easter Special
By Benson C Saili

After Jesus had been baptised by John the Baptist (that is, commissioned into service as a public ministry rabbi) in AD 29, it was decided that he be initiated into deeper Essene secrets. The most sacred Essene secret was that of Gnosis. Gnosis was not availed to everybody just because they were Essenes: it was imparted only to a select few, those in the higher echelons.
Gnosis is the term from which the English word knowledge is derived. But Gnosis was not simply ordinary knowledge or any kind of knowledge for that matter: it was knowledge about metaphysics and the spirit world, also called the Kingdom of God. Gnosis taught that not only was man primarily spirit but he was also a god in that his spirit was  a fragment from the very essence of the real God. Thus even when he was in this physical world, man was capable of visiting the spirit world, a phenomenon known as astral projection. The spirit  world could be accessed through  the Third Eye, also known as the Eye of the Needle. This is the 6th chakra, located behind the forehead between the physical eyes. People who do not know the importance of the 6th Chakra  “perish for lack of knowledge” (HOSEA 4:6), that is, lack of Gnosis primarily.
The person who was to initiate Jesus into Gnosis was Judas Iscariot, who was the authority on the subject along with Simon  Zelotes. The familiar image of Judas is that of the very scum of the Earth, but in his time, he was a very highly regarded and respected figure. Judas was the Essenes’ chief scribe by virtue of  his encyclopaedic knowledge. Initiates into Gnosis were subjected to intensive instruction at Qumran (referred to as the “wilderness” in the gospels) after which a rigorous test was administered to them by Judas. It was something akin to a test one is subjected to when defending a thesis or dissertation but before a one-man panel. Since Judas conducted these tests, he was called the Satan.
The word Satan had several meanings. Depending on the context, it could mean accuser (one example of which was when Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Get behind me Satan” [MATTHEW 16:23]);  adversary; what we today call a devil’s advocate – that is, somebody whose duty is to broach the worst scenarios possible as food for strategic thought; a generic term  for Zealots, who were also sometimes referred  to as demons or devils; or “lie detector”. The latter was in fact the original  meaning of the style Satan (Set-En, meaning  “Truth Lord”, a role played by Enki’s great  grandson Set after he defected from the Enkite clan in 8970 BC and joined the Enlilite clan. Enlil, the Bible’s main Jehovah, assigned him to test those who were changing loyalties from the Enkite  faction to the Enlilite faction so as to ensure they were not undercover agents of the Enkites. Enki, incidentally, was the extraterrestrial being who genetically engineered Adam and Eve by blending his [Enki] race’s genes with those of Ape Man, also known as Homo Erectus. Enki is the Serpent of Genesis).
Judas was called Satan because his  role was akin to that of a Truth Lord, to test initiates into Gnosis  with a view to ensuring they were well-grounded in it and also that they would not be susceptible to betraying the secrets they had been taught. According to the gospels, the instruction took 40 days but that is just a symbolic number: it in all probability took longer than that and entailed abstinence from eating at certain intervals as fasting focuses the mind on meditation.
