This is how the audio cortex is deciphered to ‎"hear what you are hearing."

This is how the audio cortex is deciphered to "hear what you are hearing."

Neural Coding of Temporal Information in Auditory Thalamus and Cortex

"At the auditory periphery, auditory-nerve fibers faithfully represent fine structures of complex sounds in their temporal discharge patterns."

"At subsequent processing stations along the ascending auditory pathway, the upper limit of the temporal representation of repetitive signals gradually decreases (e.g., cochlear nucleus, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, auditory cortex) due to biophysical properties of neurons and temporal integration of converging inputs from one station to the next."

"By the time neural signals encoding acoustic information reach auditory cortex, temporal firing patterns alone are inadequate to represent the entire range of time-varying sounds that are perceived by humans and animals." 

"It was noticed that when a sequence of sounds was presented as stimuli (Fig. 1A), the responses of some neurons in the primary auditory cortex (A1) were time-locked to individual sound events (Fig. 1B)".

Figure 1 is attached.
