Mercury Teeth Fillings (and many other cabal endorsed toxins) Causing MS and Severe Diseases
Mercury Teeth Fillings (and many other cabal endorsed toxins) Causing MS and Severe Diseases
Brain damage, induced by chemicals, initiates a change in brain function equal to placing that person into hypnosis. Once in hypnosis, the person is much easier to control, as they become highly suggestible. Regardless if you know this or not, mercury teeth fillings have always been about destroying the mental and physical health of the public.
Mercury Teeth Fillings and The Plot To Poison The Public
This is the best documentary ever made in my estimation, regarding the plot to poison the public purposely with mercury. This is also why mercury is still an ingredient in many vaccines today.
Never Let A Regular (and uninformed) Dentist Ever Remove Your Mercury Teeth Fillings
Mercury teeth fillings are extremely toxic and leak their toxicity into the dentist, the patient and anyone around.. if the filling is drilled or worked on whatsoever. Below this is the only true health professional who can remove your mercury fillings safety. Watch what really happens when mercury teeth fillings are worked on at the dentist.
Only Use These Certified Experts To Remove Your Current Mercury Teeth Fillings
The plot is simple. Brainwash various people, who believe they're highly intelligent health professionals, to use poison on their patients. Then only promote these indoctrinated individuals to the public and pay those obedient order followers super high salaries. From fluoride to mercury teeth fillings (and many more things in-between), your dentist has been weaponized against you and your family since you were born. If you have mercury teeth fillings now, only use these pros to remove them.
MS and Mercury Teeth Fillings Firmly Connected AGAIN! Documentary - Evidence of Harm
If you don't know that you live inside a poison and indoctrination based control grid, you'll just walk aright into these billions do daily on this planet. No one is coming to save you. It's just you.
Cures for MS Are Common But They're Hidden From The Public Purposely - It's An Agenda
This documentary called "Living Proof Movie" proves MS is curable. There are many others who have cured their MS because MS is form toxic poisoning. Remove the poison and the body can heal itself. The people who rule us lie and lie and lie some maintain an iron grip control over a sick, mind controlled and infantalized public.
Doctor Cures Her Own MS - MS Society Not Interested Because Charities Live Off The Sick
This medical doctor was told she had MS. She was also told it was incurable, which is the standard lie-ahria of the day in medicine. She was told she was going to die shortly. She quit her medical doctor job, started to eat well/detox.and cured her MS. No one wanted to cover her simple cure because there's no money or control in healthy independent and strong people. That's why the same ruling group is trying to poison as many people as possible today with these new toxic COVID and pox vaccines.