The disembodied Angel doctrine was created as a cover up and to promote ignorance concerning the estate of angels being highly evolved "humans"

 ‎‏ שיתף ‏פרופיל‏.מועדון זכריה סיטשין בן עמי לבבי אנונאקי ניבירו נפילים הספר האבוד של אנכי

 אתמול ב-‏11:28‏ 
"Within early teachings of certain sects angels were embodied and indeed ,great effort was made to mytholigize angels (the human-angel distinction was created by those who denied that angels appeared in human form in order to further the confusion concerning the "fallen ones" and conceal their atrocities committed against God and the Holy ones). The disembodied Angel doctrine was created as a cover up and to promote ignorance concerning the estate of angels being highly evolved "humans"
  • הש
שיתוף אחד
