"Come search with us"
Official Logbook of the Ancient Astronaut Society

 by Dr. Matest M. Agrest
The descending of a spaceship from another world to the earth must leave many deep traces, not only in the legends and ancient manuscripts but also on the surface of the Earth and in the large region of its environment, including  the Moon. Here we consider only two of them.  1. TEKTITES
 Tektites are peculiar glassy objects which contain radioactive isotopes of aluminium and beryllum./A1-26 and Be - 10, the half -lives of which are one million and 2.6 million years respectively Tektites are not the products of volcanic activity, if only because a much higher temperature than that of molten lava is needed for their formation.  Characteristic of tektites is their occurrence in certain clearly defined "strewn fields", most of which geographically restricted to a relatively narrow belt reaching out on both sides of the equator and including, among other countries, Libya, Indochina and Australia. 
Tektites could have formed from terrestrial rocks in the regions abounding in sources of high thermal and radioactive energy or they could have fallen to the earth from outer space. They show a marked difference from meteorites, especially in age (being much younger) and more important, in their geographical distribution. An  analysis of their occurrence shows that tektites could not have originated as a result of an impact of a single meteorite or a shower of small meteorites which had been moving about the Sun in in elliptical orbits before hitting the Earth. Several hypotheses have been advanced to explain the origin of tektites. Thus, Truman P. Khoman thinks that they were splashed from terrestrial rocks as a result of a cometry collision. O'Keeffe, Nininger and Varsavsky hold that they were splashed to the Earth by the impact of a huge meteorite on the Moon. These and other hypotheses, however, do not explain all the features of tektites, and their origin continues to be a puzzle.  For the purpose of our hypothesis it is important to establish the origin of tektites. W. Genter and Zahringer have dated different types of tektites by the potassium-argon method. According to them, the so called australites are about a million years old. To clarify this important question it is necessary to develop a new independent method of determining the age of tektites. in their formation at very high temperatures. In Astronauts of Yore I have proposed the the rmoluminescent method, employed for the first time in 1959 by Kennedy and Knopoff to determine the age of ancient pottery, for the independent dating of the origin of the tektites
The history of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the instantaneous blinding of the crowd that had surrounded Lot's house, described in the Bible, can be easlily explained by the hypothesis that there occured some atomic explosions of different power. The inhabitants, we find, were varned of the danger of death (from air blast) and injury (from penetrating radiation). We have learned that a thick layer of earth provided a protection from these dangers, that the blast produced a characteristic column of smoke in the sky, from the upper part of which had fallen fire, smoke and debris. We are told of the extent of the damage and that the entire area was uninhabitable for some time thereafter.  
How amazing is the information contained in the Bible about Lot's wife, who did not heed the advice given and stayed in an open place, and her shadow - the copy of her body - had been left on a "pillar of salt". It is also amazing that on the eve of the destruction who were at the entrance of Lot's house, young and old, were struck by blinding light, so that they were helpless to find the entrance. (See Genesis XIX, 11-26).
This hypothesis can be provided now experimentally, as was recently published, Israeili and German scientists will soon probing sediment at the bottom of the dead Sea to gather data on environmental changes in the area over the past thousand years. (2) The first ever survey could lead to a better understanding of biblical history and archaeology. All previous attempts to obtain core samples of the sediments located very deep below sea level have failed because of the layer of rock salt less than a meter below the Dead Sea floor. Now the scientists hope to use custom-made Norwegian drills to obtain 20 meter core samples for investigating. For the purpose of paleocontact hypothesis it is very interesting to investigate the radioactivity of the obtained sample core. The discovery of the traces of the radioactive isotope plutonium-239 )half-life time 24.100 years) which is characteristic of nuclear fallout, would be a valuable contribution to the history of the world culture.
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the date of such a discussed event can be determined by the method of measuring the radiation induced by cosmic rays. The rocks surrounding the Dead Sea are continuously bombarded by cosmic rays and, consequently, the induced radiation in them is maintained at a constant saturation level. Let us imagine that some of these rocks had fallen into the Dead Sea. From this moment they go out of the cosmic ray bombardment and induced radiation in them must therefore have decreased gradually, according to half-life of radioactive elements. Thus, if the radioactivity of such a fallen rock is compared with that of an outside one, the ratio will give the time when the investigated rock had fallen into the Dead Sea. 


(1) Published by Geografgis, Moscow, 1961, under the title: "Na sushe i na more"
(2) Judi Segel, "Scientists to Probe Dead Sea Bed." The Jerusalem Post, October 30, 1993.

Agrest's ancient astronauts
THEORY: Aliens were real  to Matest Agrest, the scientist who first proposed, in 1960, that Earth was visited long ago.
Of The Post and Courier staff

With the release of the movie "Independence Day," millions of people all across America are viewing destruction caused by extra-terrestrials. Multi-million dollar blockbuster movies based on the outer-space theme are hot tickets for the movie industry.
Matest Agrest, one of the first people to advance a theory that Earth was visited in prehistoric times by intelligent beings from outer space theme are hot tickets for the industry. Matest Agrest, one of the first people to advance a theory that Earth was visited in prehistoric times by intelligent beings from outer space, now lives west of  Ashley, a refugee from the turmoil in the former Soviet republics.
In an article printed on Feb. 9, 1960, in the Russian Literaturnaya Gazeta, rather than in a scientific journal, Agrest proposed that extra-terrestrials visited the Earth in prehistoric times. On feb 10, 1960, a brief article appeared in The New York Times about Agrest's idea. Agrest proposed that Sodom and Gomorrah may have been destroyed by a nuclear explosion set off by invaders from outer space. His insight on the subject came from reading biblical text on Sodom and Gomorrah in the light of modern science. According to the Bible, lot and his family were warned to gey out of town by two divine messengers. 
"As a hall of fire and brimstone..."

