After a seven-day dry fast (no food, no water) he lost 35 lbs and his foot has healed like crazy.

 Fasting is healthy

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"This man was scheduled to go into surgery to avoid losing his foot (due to diabetes) but chose instead to start fasting. After a seven-day dry fast (no food, no water) he lost 35 lbs and his foot has healed like crazy. - Andre Angelantoni
I know this is true because when my left leg and ankle and foot looked even worse than this and was three times its normal size (cellulitis), the best medicine I ever took was no medicine at all. It was fasting.
When you stop filling your face with food and drink, the body is now given the the energy it needs away from digestion to heal. The the body requires both time and energy to heal. It always knows exactly what it needs to do to clean, repair and rebuild itself.
The body uses cholesterol, water (edema), and calcium it pulls from bone to protect its precious cells from acids that destroy it. These are the body's three main antacids. As part of the healing process, his body rid itself of all the excess water (edema) it had been holding onto which explains the weight loss. I have experienced this myself as my body uses water (edema) to fight acidosis.
For anyone who has never dry fasted: It is something you should always work your way up to. Start out with intermittent dry fasting (first 6, then 12 and up to 18 hours a day) in between meals." - Karen Lee
Post : Stacy Cotton
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