Earth Chronicles Series Article No. 168


Fourth Commandment Pays Homage To Saturn, Lucifer’s HQ Planet In The Solar System

As Ishkur-Adad, the frontman Jehovah of the Exodus touched down on Mount Sinai in his sky vehicle, the sound of a siren (trumpet in the Bible) rent the air. We did elucidate at one point in time that this sky vehicle, typically translated as the “Glory of God” in the Bible, was actually KABOD in Hebrew. Zechariah Sitchin assists us in unpacking the term thus: “It will be helpful to trace the Akkadian and Sumerian roots from which the Hebrew term had derived. While the Akkadian KABBUTTU meant ‘heavy, weighty,’ the similar-sounding KABDU (paralleling the Hebrew Kabod) meant ‘Wing-holder’ –  something to which wings are attached, or perhaps into which wings can retract. And the Sumerian term KIBADDU meant ‘to soar to a faraway place’.” Clearly, the Glory of God was a flying craft.  The prophet Ezekiel says the flying craft was enveloped in a cloud but it emitted a luminosity that shown through the cloud (EZEKIEL 10:4). When it was at full calibration, this luminosity had a harmful effect on those who came too close or simply touched the edge of a platform on which it rested. This was Adad’s way of both keeping humans at bay and embedding in them the sense of awe that “God dwells in unapproachable light”.  

The Israelites were excited as the siren wail was a signal that they should ascend the mountain  and meet their god. Adad, however, had a rethink as the only  people he called up the mountain were Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron were told to maintain order amongst their people: the boundaries they had set should be maintained at all costs lest the people suffer the effects of the flying craft’s illumination if they came within a certain radius.  Adad now reckoned that there was no need for the entire crowd to  ascend the mountain as  addressing them through Moses would suffice.  

Moses and Aaron were accordingly briefed by  Adad and Moses for one was electronically kitted out so that he and Adad would communicate wirelessly. He was also given a powerful loud speaker  with which he would relay Adad’s instructions to the congregation. Note that Moses and Aaron did not deal with Adad directly: they did so through the god’s officials. Since the Enlilites now rotated as a solitary god of the Jews, they didn’t want to be identified as that would give away the game. They wanted the Israelites to  embed the fallacy  that they only had one god when in fact several gods took turns to interact with them although in the greater majority of cases this was  Adad.  


Having climbed down to the base of the mountain, Moses set about proclaiming what Adad was relaying to him using what the Bible describes as a SHOFAR in the original Hebrew, meaning “sound amplifier”.    Exactly what language Adad used to communicate with Moses is not stated. We may assume that he used Hebrew in that Aliens are very adept at expeditiously capturing a language. A hint on this versatility is furnished by Dr Jamisson Neruda, a renegade whistleblower who worked for ACIO (Advance Contact Intelligence Organisation),  a top-secret outfit that interfaces with ETs. Dr Neruda informs us that the Corteum, an ET race who originate from Sirius B, are capable of speaking “perfect English or French, Italian, Spanish, or most any other language for that matter. They’re very gifted linguists and can acquire average language skills in a matter of a few weeks, and operate as masters of the language within a few months. Their minds are like sponges …”

Speaking through Moses, the first thing Adad did was to spell out the now famous Ten  Commandments.  The Ten  Commandments were nothing novel: they were very familiar. They were  first adduced by Ningishzidda,  also known as Thoth, Enki’s genius son. In his book, THE BOOK OF THE DEAD, which is acknowledged as the world’s first complete book, Zidda lists the entire Ten Commandments in a passage titled Spell Number 125. In fact, in The Book of the Dead, the ten declarations are not presented as universal codes of conduct: they are confessions a pharaoh made upon his coronation. What is  stated as “Thou Shall not kill” in the Bible” actually is  “I have not killed” in The Book of the Dead, and  “Thou shall not steal” is  “I have not stolen” in The Book of the Dead … and so forth and so on.    

Adad’s first three  commandments decreed monotheism as the new religious orientation of the  Jews (in Egypt they had worshipped several gods). The FIRST COMMANDMENT demanded that Israelites  worship only one god, Adad (though unbeknownst to the Israelites, “god” was a clan – the family of Jehovah-Enlil) because it was he who freed them from Egyptian bondage (EXODUS 20:1-2). Worshipping other gods was strictly prohibited because  Adad was a “jealous god” (EXODUS 20:6) who did not wish to share human adoration  with other gods. Who were the “other gods”? That we glean from the second commandment. 

The SECOND COMMANDMENT further qualified the  first. The Israelites were banned from bowing to and therefore deifying “idols”. Like most biblical precepts, the term idols has been grossly misinterpreted by the Christian clergy. True, it means graven images – images carved in wood or sculpted in stone.  BUT THAT DID NOT MEAN THESE IMAGES WERE AN END IN THEMSELVES: THEY WERE SIMPLY A SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION  OF THE REAL GOD (ANUNNAKI) WHO  WAS REVERED OR WORSHIPPED BY A PEOPLE. As we keep repeating, our ancestors did not worship fanciful gods like religious “stalwarts” (read: “fanatics”)    of our day: they worshipped a god they had seen with their eyes or whose presence was demonstrable in one way or the other.  Since gods very rarely directly interacted with humans, humans devised a way of  invoking them in time of desperate need. This was in the form of graven images. For example, when Christians kneel down before a cross and utter prayers, they are not worshipping the cross as such: they are worshipping the spirit associated with the cross, that is, Jesus. 

Adad’s emphasis in relation to the second commandment is instructive. He said no graven images were to be made whatsoever, “whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” , EXODUS 20:4. This represents three categories of objects of worship – “other gods”. The heavenly or cosmic gods  obviously comprised of Anu, the King of the Sirian-Orion Empire; Antu, the Queen of the Sirian-Orion Empire; and the heavenly bodies. The latter were planets, constellations, the moon,  and the sun  basically. Remember,  celestial bodies and constellations were symbolic of Anunnaki gods. For example, the sun was the celestial counterpart for Utu-Shamash. The moon was a symbol for Enki initially and Nannar-Sin latterly. As for constellations, Pisces represented Enki, Virgo represented Inanna-Ishtar, Taurus represented  Enlil,  Aries represented Marduk, etc.  In the case of planets, Mars was associated with Marduk, Neptune with Enki, Venus with Ninmah at first and Inanna-Ishtar in due course, Earth with Enlil, etc. 

As for Earthly gods, these were  physical Anunnaki beings – the members of the ruling pantheon. Some of the Anunnaki gods had  symbolic equivalents that took the form of  animals. For example, Enki, Marduk, and Zidda were associated with the snake because their race evolved from the snake species. Enki was also associated with the goat because he once presided over the astrological Age of Capricorn, whose symbol is  a goat. Ninmah was associated with the cow. Enlil was represented by a bull.  

Coming to the matter of the sea, it is no secret that Enki was known as the god of the sea. He was thus represented by a fish or a dolphin. Marduk was represented by the crocodile, the equivalent of the enigmatic  Mus-Hus, his official emblem, because to the Egyptians it was a sacred animal and pharaohs were anointed with crocodilian oil (messeh, the source of the term “messiah”) at their enthronement. THUS ADAD BANNED THE MAKING OF GRAVEN IMAGES BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT THE ISRAELITES TO  DILUTE THEIR WORSHIP OF HIM WITH THAT OF ENKITE GODS. Adad was aware that the Israelites were not fully converted to him. In fact, the greater majority of them hated him for his harshness and for demanding human sacrifice. As such, they were nostalgic of the gods they used to worship in Egypt, particularly Enkite gods and goddesses who were remarkably benevolent. It was therefore plausible that they could resort to making graven images of the likes of Enki and Zidda with a view to invoking these gods,  in the process relegating Adad to the very fringes of their devotion. It was to forestall such an eventuality that Adad banned graven images and not that they were inherently evil.   

In the THIRD COMMANDMENT, Israelites were  warned to  desist from bolstering  up  lies by using  Adad’s name, either to somehow defend themselves or elicit a favour or advantage.  This simply was misrepresenting the god’s name by way of an act of  corruption. This commandment largely applied to the leadership – the kings, the prophets,  and the priesthood – who, were the intermediaries between the Anunnaki god and  the nation of Israel and were therefore expected to be  aboveboard in all they said and did.  

The Israelite leadership, however, read so much into the  Third Commandment that THEY PROHIBITED THE VERY UTTERANCE OF  THE NAME YAHWEH OR ELOHIM. Instead, Adad and his fellow Enlilte gods were mostly referred to as Adonai.  This was Aten in Egyptian or Sumerian. Aten had several meanings depending on the context. In this context, however, it meant “The Transcendent One”.  You will recall that that was how Moses referred to the planet Nibiru when he introduced  the Cult of the Aten as Pharaoh Akhenaten. In future,  Adonai would mainly apply to Nannar-Sin, who was the seniormost Enlilite of his generation. But Initially, Adonai was a general name for whichever god was directly interacting with the Israelites, who primarily was Adad. 


The FOURTH COMMANDMENT was the Sabbath commandment. The Jews were to observe the seventh day in a very special way by abstaining from all kind of work. This applied to slaves, maids, and visitors.  Even animals were not to  be put to work on this special day. 

Note that  Adad did not say he was to be worshipped on the Sabbath day. All he said was that the day had to be kept  holy, meaning it was to be dedicated to good and godly acts (as if he himself had any virtue in him).  The idea thus of conducting worship services on the seventh day was the Jews’ own interpretation of  the Adad ordinance. A god could be worshipped on any day of the week, but the Sabbath was set aside as a dedicated worship day simply because all kind of work was prohibited, which enabled people to focus on invoking, exalting, and honouring their god.   

Why was the Sabbath declared a holy day? Adad did provide  a reason for that. He said it was the day on which he rested after he created the world.  All this was pure brainwash: neither Adad nor any of his fellow Anunnaki created the world. The Anunnaki were creatures like you and I are and were born just like you and I were. Therefore, the reason Adad advanced for hallowing the seventh day reeked of absolute falsity. What then  was the real reason for consecrating the Sabbath?

Well, Adad dedicated the Sabbath to the real creator of this world and whom he dutifully served, such as through the mass sacrifice of children he demanded from the Israelites.  This god of Adad was known as Lucifer.   Of course in so reverencing Lucifer, Adad had to use tact. He had to use symbology.  THIS SYMBOLOGY TOOK THE FORM OF THE PLANET SATURN, WHICH IS ACTUALLY THE PLANET OF SATAN, AS SATURDAY ACTUALLY  MEANS SATURN’S DAY! 


In Hebrew, Sabbath is SHABBAT. Shabbat derives from SHABTAI, which is planet Saturn in the same Hebrew. The Sabbath was therefore dedicated to  Saturn. Now, Saturn is the most sinister of all the planets in the Solar System. It is the headquarters of  Reptilian or demonic elements in our planetary system. It is not called Saturn by happenstance: it is deliberate. The name Saturn derives from SATU.  Satu (SETEN in Sumerian, SET or  SATAN in English, SHAITAN in Arabic, SETH in Hebrew) is a byword for prime evil. That’s why the Devil,  or Lucifer, is also referred to as Satan. 
The first Satu was Marduk’s grandson Set. Set ’s name became synonymous with evil when he seized Canaan, which was then under the control of the Enlilites,   after pretending to have switched loyalties from the Enkites to the Enlilites. This was circa 8970 BC.   From that point onwards, Seten,  meaning “Truth Lord”, took on a new meaning – Satan the Devil. So when the ancients gave the name Saturn to the seventh major celestial body in the Solar System counting from the sun, they knew what they were talking about.

Saturn is said to be the second largest planet after Jupiter but that  is not exactly true. Saturn is the largest planet by volume of space occupied because of its enormous rings  which reaches far and wide, extending up to 120,000 km from Saturn’s equator.   The ancients were very much aware of this fact. The Sumerians, for instance, called it ANSHAR, meaning “Foremost of Heaven”, whereas Jupiter was called KINSHAR,  meaning “Foremost of Firm Lands”.  In his writings, the great Greek philosopher Seneca says the astronomers known as Epigenes “estimate that the planet Saturn exerts the greatest influence upon all the movements of celestial bodies”. Writing either in the second or third century, the Roman historian Tacitus also said Saturn had the largest influence on  human life. 

Saturn’s overarching influence on Earthly affairs is evidenced by the  omnipresence of Saturn symbolism all around us. This includes cube structures, such as the KAABA in Mecca, around which pilgrims move about like the rings that surround Saturn; the two black cubes at Ground Zero in New York, the scene of the infamous 911; and others in California, Germany, Denmark, Australia, and even the United Nations building. The most familiar Saturn symbols are seen in the form of corporate  logos, such as Toyota, Boeing, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser, and Google search engine.  One of the Saturn symbols that stare us in the face all-day-long is that of the Hexagon (six-pointed star). Very few people are aware that this denotes Saturn, which has a perennial hexagon storm that dominates its north pole.  The cube is actually a hexagon compacted into a three-dimensional shape. 

Individuals who represent certain eminent institutions also flaunt Saturn like a badge. The Pope, for instance, is in the habit of wearing a broad-brimmed capello hat, which denotes homage to Saturn. Many a time, Pope Benedict was photographed wearing a mitre with a six pointed star, a hexagon, emblazoned on it – a clear-cut reverencing of Satan and his Solar System bastion, Saturn.  And when people graduate from varsity, what do they sport on their heads? A mortarboard – a flat square cap. Little do they know that the square hat is a bow to Saturn, including the black robe they turn out in. Black is the colour of Saturn, which in antiquity was known as the Black Sun. That’s why you have judges wearing black robes and people wearing black at funerals: it is all salutation to Saturn. 

AND PRACTICALLY EVERY MARRIED MAN OR WOMAN  IS A UNWITTING WORSHIPPER OF THE PLANET SATURN AND THEREFORE SATAN. Saturn is known as the Lord of the Rings. The ring that adorns a married couple’s fingers is the archetypal symbol of Saturn. No wonder many marriages end in divorce because they are sealed by some trinket that glorifies the Devil. 


In the so-called Greek mythology (which actually constitute dramatised accounts of real historical happenings), the god Saturn was also known  as KRONOS. In his Kronos guise, Saturn was  the god of time, the reason we have such words as chronometer (a timepiece) and chronology (a time sequence). 

In medieval paintings, Kronos was depicted in several forms (since uniformity would have been too obvious to the masses). In one vein, he was shown as the Grim Reaper – the skeletal Angel of Death – wielding a scythe. In another vein, he was shown as an old man with a white beard riding a cloud.  Today, during every festive season,  Kronos shows up with great pomp and circumstance in the guise of  Santa Claus, the so-called Father Christmas, lovingly  holding a baby.  That by no means symbolises patriarchal love  for children: it is a metaphor for the Devil’s appetite for the blood of children. When we see  Father Christmas cuddling an infant, it is actually Satan salivating over his favourite meal.   

In Greek mythology,  Kronos ate his own children.  That’s why human sacrifice, particularly of pre-pubesecent children,  was such a common feature in antiquity. When the Old Testament gods, such as Adad, demanded human sacrifice, it was to feed the insatiable appetite of their god Lucifer. In the Bible, all guises of Saturn/Satan are presented. He’s the Angel of Death who killed the Israelites’ firstborns in Egypt. He’s the Molech to whom Canaanite children were sacrificed in a bonfire. Molech, as we have already underscored, was Ninurta, Enlil-Jehovah’s firstborn son. Which planet did the Sumerians associate Ninurta with? Saturn!

It is said the Devil hides in plain  sight. The truth of the matter is that he doesn’t even pretend to hide at all in our day and age. Those who dutifully and devoutly serve him, the Illuminati,  keep thrusting  him right in our faces day in and day out. In the Matrix movie trilogy, for example,  confirmation is made of  a point we have been trying to put across all along – that this universe is Lucifer’s creation. The Matrix is another reference to this Internet-like, counterfeit universe. In the Matrix trilogy, the creator of the Matrix is revealed as an old bearded man – the Ancient of Days. His title in the movie is actually  the “Architect”. It’s no coincidence that Freemasons refer to their ultimate master as the Grand Architect of the Universe,  aka Lucifer.
