‏TERAH’S SON THE CHOSEN ONEThe Unborn Abraham Recommended As Jehovah’s Future Shepherd-King!

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THE IRON LADY’S SPAN OF AUTHORITY:   The extent of the confederacy of ancient India, which was known as Mahabharata or simply Bharata. Called the Third Region in Sumerian records, Mahabharata was the domain of the Anunnaki’s Iron Lady Inanna-Ishtar, Jehovah’s enfant terrible granddaughter. It was in Mahabharata that Terah,  Abraham’s father, was born and bred although his ancestral place was Sumer. Terah, known in Mahabharata as Krishna, was the Dalai Lama of the day. It was Terah Enlil, the Bible’s primary Jehovah, entrusted to produce the Shepherd King  of the forthcoming  Age of   Aries (Abraham) after the enigmatic Galzu, the Anunnaki’s Nostradamus, tipped him to do so.

Earth Chronicles Series Article No. 122

The Unborn Abraham Recommended As Jehovah’s Future Shepherd-King!
This time around, the resurgence of Inanna-Ishtar as the overall goddess of Sumer didn’t endure. In fact, if she was tolerated at all by the Anunnaki pantheon, it was simply because Nibiru King Anu, “Our Father Who Art in Heaven”, had a soft spot for her in that she was his object of sexual gratification every time he came to Earth. Otherwise, if it hadn’t been for this privilege, she would have long been dealt with decisively, such as being recalled to Nibiru or being exiled to either Mars or the Moon at the very least. 

Fresh from his ouster of Gutian King Tirigan, Utu-Hegal, Inanna’s client king, declared himself King of Sumer. And in order to legally validate his ascension to kingship, he went to Babylon, Marduk’s domain in the Enlilite heartland, and grabbed the SHUHADAKU, the ultimate symbol of monarchical legitimacy. This was sacrilegious in two ways. First, the Shuhadaku was installed only with the sanction of Marduk given that Babylon had the holiest soil in all of Sumer and Babylon soil had to accompany the Shuhadaku wherever it was installed. Second, since the days of Sargon the Great, who had desecrated the Shuhadaku by attempting to install it with purloined Babylon soil, Marduk had held on to it and insisted that he would only release it once he was compensated for Sargon’s transgression. Otherwise, he would guard it jealously all the while, up to the very moment he was crowned the New Enlil in the astrological Age of the Ram. Marduk had the right to so demand as the Shuhadaku’s appointed custodian. 

So when Utu-Hegal filched the Shuhadaku,   Marduk saw red and again threatened that he would make an unscheduled comeback to Sumer and cause havoc. Enlil, who scarcely saw eye to eye with Marduk, took advantage of Utu-Hegal’s foolhardy act and securing the green light from King Anu pronounced that Utu-Hegal must be neutralised before matters got out of hand. In 2123 BC, Utu-Hegal was tactfully shoved into a swollen river by the agents of Enlil whilst on a military campaign and drowned. His lifeless body was not even retrieved but was left to be carried away in the speedy currents. He had ruled for only seven years.   

Was this the nail in the coffin for Inanna? You are advised to be circumspect in your verdict: that vixen had the nine lives of a cat!


Meanwhile, Marduk, assisted by his demagogue firstborn son Nabu, was gaining adherents by the truckload in his campaign for supremacy on the planet.  “Marduk from land to land went,” the Sumerian records relate.  “Of his supremacy, the people he was telling, to followers gain was his purpose. In the lands of the Upper Sea (Mediterranean) and the lands on Ki-Engi (Sumer) bordering, Nabu, Marduk's son, was the people inciting ...  Between the dwellers of the west (pro-Marduk lands) and the dwellers of the east (pro-Enlilite lands mainly) clashes were occurring, Kings hosts of warriors formed, caravans ceased going, the walls of cities were raised.”

In Egypt for one, Marduk’s imminent accession to Enlilship was reaching messianic fervour. The ram began to dominate celestial and monumental art and Marduk, who was known as Ra in Egypt, was given the epithet "Ram of the Four Winds," and was so depicted to indicate that he was master of the four corners and four regions of the Earth.  

Why was Marduk so wildly popular? There are several reasons. 

First, he had strong earthly affinities. Both his first wife (who had died in 4000 BC) and his second wife were Earthlings, not Anunnaki. Hence his official children were all Earthlings. Even Nabu himself was married to an Earthling going by the name Tashmetum. Marduk had also been banned from ever returning to Nibiru  or the throne planet in the greater Sirian-Orion Empire and therefore Earthlings were aware that he was Earth-bound forever and whatever he would do for the planet and its people was in their interests. 

Second, he had Earthling empathy in that his cause was justified. It was his rightful time to become the God of Earth and therefore he was deserving of Enlilship. It was not about muscling his way to the perch:   it was about claiming a status that rightfully fell to him.

Third, he had promised Earthlings that he would make Ormus, the gold substance that sharpened the intellect, opened broad vistas of spiritual insights,  boosted overall health,  and lengthened lifespans indefinitely,  available to them so they too would be capable of living  nearly as long  as the Anunnaki.  Marduk, when he became the Enlil, wanted to rule over people in perfect health and with extraordinarily long lives so they could understand all phenomena better and pass on positive traits to their offspring, thereby making Earth a perfect place in the fullness of time. 

Fourth, he wanted to make space-travel a free and everyday treat, not a privilege reserved for the gods only. Under his reign, Earthlings would be able to go to any planet in the cosmos and make acquaintance with other races or civilisations up there. Even here on Earth, Earthlings would be able to explore the vast planet using flying saucers and other forms of aerocraft. Marduk wanted to bring Earthlings on par with the Anunnaki in every aspect of life and not remain inferior to them in perpetuity.   

Finally, in his heir Nabu he had the most persuasive speaker and political campaigner one would ever wish for. Nabu was not his original name: it was a nickname that took hold by virtue of his dazzling oratory skills. When he was born, he was named Ensag, meaning “Lofty Lord” since as firstborn he was heir to Marduk. Like Gilgamesh, he too was a “Mesh”. The term Mesh literally meant “issue of”, or in the case of males, “son of”. But it was reserved only for those demigods who had been conferred the title divine, or DINGIR in Sumerian. These were demigods who had at least two-thirds of Anunnaki blood in them.

Nabu was thus the first demigod who was a honorary god but he identified himself more with Earthlings than the Anunnaki, the reason Earthlings fanatically rallied to him and his father.  Nabu meant “The Spokesman”, or “Prophet”. This is NABIH in Hebrew. He was so called because in prophesying about the forthcoming Age of Aries and the concomitant ascendancy of his father to Enlilship, and in interpreting celestial signs to predict future happenings, he was very eloquent and very persuasive. For his name to have become synonymous with prophecy meant he was a rhetorical firebrand. In terms of articulating himself, he was the Martin Luther King of his day. 


It was around this time that the mystical Galzu, the Anunnaki’s Nostradamus, appeared to Enlil to sound off on a prophetic warning. Galzu was the bearded, white-haired sage who from time to time materialised from nowhere and presenting himself as an emissary of King Anu of Nibiru delivered crystal-ball messages or strategic direction to either Enki or Enlil, the two top-ranking Anunnaki on planet Earth. It was Galzu who had urged Enki to have Noah construct the famous “Ark” (a submersible vessel) at the time of the Deluge. It was the same Galzu who decreed that Enlilship should alternate between Enlilites and Enkites for three zodiacal ages apiece.   

This time around, Galzu appeared to Enlil. The following is how Enki describes the incident in his memoirs, which Zechariah Sitchin has titled THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI. 

“It was at that time (when Marduk’s global popularity was at feverpitch) that in the night-time Enlil a dream-vision had.  The image of a man to him appeared, bright and shining like the heavens he was.  As he approached and by Enlil's bed stood, Enlil the white-haired Galzu recognised! In his left hand a tablet of lapis lazuli he was holding, the starry heavens on it were designed.  By the twelve constellation signs were the heavens divided, to them with his left hand Galzu pointed. 

“From the Bull (Taurus) to the Ram (Aries), Galzu his pointing shifted. Three times the pointing he repeated. Then in the dream-vision Galzu spoke up and to Enlil thus said: the righteous time of benevolence and peace by evildoing and bloodshed will be followed. In a matter of years, the Ram of Marduk the Bull of Enlil will replace (that is, Aries will replace Taurus). One who himself as Supreme God has declared supremacy on Earth will seize. A calamity as has never before occurred, by Fate decreed, will happen! 

“As at the time of the Deluge, a righteous and worthy man must be chosen. By him and his seed will Civilized Mankind, as by the Creator of All intended, be preserved! So did Galzu, the divine emissary, to Enlil in the dream-vision say. When Enlil from the night time dream-vision awakened, there was no tablet beside his bed. Was it an oracle from Heaven or did I it all in my heart imagine? Enlil to himself wondered. To none of his sons, Nannar among them, nor to Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse)  did he of the dream-vision tell.”

The nub of the Galzu tip was three-fold. First, somebody was going to unilaterally install himself as the God of the Age of Aries. This would take place sooner than later. Second, there was going to be unprecedented mayhem – as had never  been witnessed before in feuds that pitted Anunnaki versus Anunnaki. Third, given the scenario outlined to him, it was imperative that Enlil groom a loyal and upstanding man – an Earthling – who would help mitigate the gravity of the prophesied calamity. 

Exactly who would usurp supremacy over the planet? Which Earthling would Enlil choose as his own version of Enki’s Noah? And what would be the exact nature of the looming calamity?   


The bone of contention between Marduk, the firstborn son of Enki, and the Enlilites, the Anunnaki clan of Jehovah, revolved around supremacy in the forthcoming astrological Age of Aries, also known as the Age of the Ram in that it was pictographically symbolised by the ram, a male sheep. Thus, in the Enlilite nomenclature (way of naming things), all humans who rallied to the Enlilites at this stage of history were known as sheep, or ewes. True, the term ewe today refers only to a female sheep but in antiquity, it referred to sheep in general. 

Now, sheep always have a shepherd – the person who drives them from behind typically. In ancient times – as is actually the case even today in the Middle East – sheep were trained  to meekly follow the leader,   who ambled along at their fore.  When the shepherd saw that a sheep was straggling and was in danger of going adrift, he would retreat and bring it into line using a crook – a straight staff hooked at the end and with which to tug at the stray sheep by its neck or leg. 

To the Enlilites therefore, every king was a shepherd, that is, their appointed king, because he presided over human affairs on their behalf.  As such, David as King of Judah was an Enlilite  shepherd and Jesus as the bloodline descendent of David and therefore the de jure heir to King David’s throne was an Enlilite shepherd,  the reason mainstream Jewry called him “Son of David”, although he switched to championing the Enkite agenda when he began ministering. When Galzu appeared to Enlil in a dream-vision (what we today call a hologram) and exhorted that he appoint “a righteous and worthy man” who would help foster continued stability on Earth, a shepherd, he did not specify exactly who this ought to be. That was left to Enlil himself as the planet’s incumbent Chief Executive Officer to decide. 

To his credit, Enlil did not make a unilateral decision if the Sumerian records are to be believed.   He sought the counsel of his “celestial savants”, that is, his astronomer priests, or the Magi as they are called in the gospels. Those days, priests did not simply minister the word of their god as they do today. Their main duty was to study the position of stars and the movement of planets and from there forecast the trajectory of Earthly events. Once they had come up with a sound interpretation, they then conveyed that to the masses.   Whereas in Sumerian times the information dissemination was done by the priest himself, in biblical (Old Testament) times it was done by prophets and the word prophet as we have shown above  simply meant “spokesman”, that is, God’s spokesman. That’s why when the prophets made their pronouncements, they did so “in the name of the Lord” because the astrological and astronomical   interpretation of the priests had been endorsed by the Anunnaki god concerned. It explains why the Old Testament chokes with statements by prophets that say, “Thus sayeth the Lord ...”    

After the Nippurian priests had conferred and deliberated, they came up with a very bizarre recommendation to Enlil.  This was a being who was neither born nor even conceived. HE  WAS THE FUTURE SON OF THE LEADING ASTRONOMER-PRIEST OF THE DAY, KNOWN IN SUMER AS TIRHU AND IN THE BIBLE AS  TERAH. Terah’s other name, by which he was known in his place of birth, the Indian sub-continent,   was Hara-Krishna. 


Although Terah was of Indian heritage to the extent that he was born there, that does not make him Indian by race, just as FW De Klerk is not a black man by virtue of having been born and bred on the continent of Africa. The Indians  of Anunnaki times  were not a monolithic race: they were multiracial. They included light-skinned Indians, known as Aryans; brown-skinned Indians (who dominate today); and dark-skinned Indians, today known as Sudras or Dravidians, who were actually the aboriginal Indians and preceded the Aryan occupation of India by eons just as the Aborigines of Australia preceded the British occupation by a very  long shot  

The India of the day was not one unitary country led by one king: it was a constellation of states known as Bharata or Mahabharata, each with its own sovereign.  This vast empire, which was once overseen by the Anunnaki goddess Inanna-Ishtar, included the whole of India; Qatar; Pakistan; Kashmir; Nepal; Tibet; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma; Afghanistan; Laos; Thailand; Sri Lanka; Indonesia; Papua New Guinea; Brunei; Vietnam; and Cambodia. And not only that: it encompassed substantial swathes of Iran; Oman; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; Kyrgyzstan; and Tajikistan. It was way bigger than China and the whole of Sumer. 

Terah belonged to a priestly caste known as the Brahmins. The Brahmins were alternatively  known as the  Kaul-Deva. Kaul-Deva literally meant “Shining Kalani” but its derivative and most invoked meaning was  “Holy Kauls”, Kaul being the truncated form of Kalani. According to Flavius Josephus, and other notable historians such as Megasthenes and Clearchus of Soli, the Kalani were the wisest caste of India, the philosopher kings. All the three cited  historians assert that the Jews (that is, the Hebrews, not the Jewish nation as a whole) are descended from the Kalani. The Kalani or Kaul-Deva were “holy” in that they were a nation of priests as designated by their god, who we shall identify shortly.  

The Kaul-Deva were “Shining Ones” in that they were, first and foremost, light-skinned being demigods, that is, at least fifty percent Anunnaki. Secondly, they were Shining Ones in a philosophical sense: they shone with the knowledge and wisdom they imparted to other races. They were the “Illuminated Ones” or the “Illuminati” as we would call them today.      

In the Bible, the Kaul-Deva are referred to as “Chaldees”.  In Sumer, they were concentrated in Ur, Nannar-Sin’s cult city; hence the reason the city was known as “Ur of the Chaldees”, meaning “City of the Kaul-Deva”. Indeed, Ur was located near the border with Persia (Iran), along which ran the great highway to India. In India, they were concentrated in Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, and Kashmir.  How they came to teem in Ur when they were of Indian origin again we shall duly contextualise in due course.  

Long story short, Terah, the father of Abraham, was a Chaldee who originated from India by way of birth, not necessarily by way of descent. But, mark you,  he was not of Indian race: he was what we would today call a Caucasian. Anunnaki-human hybrids, or demigods, looked like the whites of our day.
