LUCIFER (Enki-Aquarius-Hiawatha): Here for a Golden Age; He Supports Us

LUCIFER (Enki-Aquarius-Hiawatha): Here for a Golden Age; He Supports Us
See youtube below this post see what Lucifer wrought among the Iroquois
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From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Media
Enki, born on Nibiru as Ea, collected the names Lucifer, The Peacemaker, Fin, Nidimmud, Adonai, Poseidon, Yam, Neptune, Aquarius, Ptah, Khnemu, Buzur, Serpent, Nahash, Shiva, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Merlin and sometimes, Melchizedek.
Enki glyphed as entwined serpents.
Enki betrothed sister Liltih (Ninmah), but Anu forbade their marriage when Enlil impregnated her.
Enki instead married Chronos’ (Alalu)’s daughter, Damkina. They parented Satan (Marduk), Alalu’s heir.
450,000 years ago, Anu, now Nibiran King, sent Enki to on Earth to pacify father-in-law ex-King Alalu. Enki hid the nuclear missiles Alalu had brought to Earth.
Anu put Enki under Yahweh’s (Enlil)’s command but let Enki control Eridu (Basra), Africa, Egypt, science, computing, gold mining and shipping.
Ninmah joined Enki, and they had many daughters, whom Enki kept impregnating.
Enki, his son Thoth (Ningishzidda)--whom Enki fathered with Allat (Ereshkigal)–and Lilith, created our Nibiran/Erectus hybrid ancestors to solve a mutiny of Nibirans who worked in the South African mines. Enki fomented the mutiny to get Enlil to let him adapt the Nibiran genome to Earth with gene material from Homo erectus and clone Anunnaki-Erectus hybrids. The Hybrids replaced Nibiran miners, whom Nibiru welcomed home as heroes.
Each generation, Enki mated with the prettiest females born to the hybrids; he multiplied the ratio of Nibiran to Erectus genes in our stock.
He gave his part-Earthling son Noah (Ziasudra, King of Shurrupak) a computer program to build a submersible to save his community. Enki had Ziasudra gather all written records to hide and save for civilization.
Michael Lee Hill writes, “EA-Enki of the Anunnaki after the deluge, became known as the Peacemaker to the Native American Indians. The Peacemaker's message of the Great Law of Peace pledges peace among nations by giving each tribe a special role in how the Iroquois governed themselves.
“Each village and clan would choose a chief to represent it at the council of tribes. All decisions were made by at the council. All voices had equal importance. Men and woman shared power.
“To this day, the Iroquois Six Nations live in unity, harmony, and peace based on the teachings of the Great Law from the Peacemaker and his disciple, Hiawatha."
LUCIFERIANISM: Enki’s Existentialism by Another Name
A Luciferian, writes Catherine Beyer, is
>An Illuminated Being Who Chooses Rather Than Idolizes
>Free to Act, but Accepting of Consequences
>Pursues Wealth and Prosperity
>Accept s and Glorifies Primordial Carnal
>Avoids Conversion of others
>Accepts but argues with for Abrahamic Faiths
>Supports and Protects of the Natural WorldArts and Sciences Equally
>Focuses on the Present Day Enlightenment
>Exercises Free Will and Personal Responsibility
>Encourages Skepticism
Luciferism goes back to Gnosticism and regards Lucifer as the one true God as opposed to Jehovah, as liberator and guiding spirit. The Hebrew word for Lucifer is Heylel, which means “Shining One,” or “Light-bearer.” In Greek Lucifer is Heosphoros, which means “Bringer of Dawn,” or “Light-bearer.” Lucifer is Latin for “The Morning Star,” or Venus. His character’s a biblical interpretation of Enki, who created us as a slave race but gave advanced knowledge to selected savants in his Snake Society. Enki’s son, Prince Marduk, is Satan.
Later Christian traditions use Lucifer for the Devil, as he was before the Fall.
Luciferianism differs from Satanism in that it doesn’t revere Satan or the Devil, but the broader figure of Lucifer, the Enlightened One. Luciferians regard Lucifer as representing human progression, independence, and enlightenment. Lucifer is associated with the Greek Titan Prometheus and/or the Jewish Talmudic figure of Lilith.
Luciferians cherish the natural world and advocate for its protection, as well as the arts and sciences as these represent human progression. They focus on this physical life and how to make the most of it.
Michael Ford, in the “The Eleven Luciferian points of Power, associates Luciferianism with liberation, Illumination, and Apthopeosis, the worship of the inner self and individual progression.
In the late 19th century, Moses Harman published an individualist anarchist journal called “Lucifer the Light-bearer.” He believed freethinkers should redeem and glorify the name of Lucifer.
Luciferians believe the God of the Bible doomed mankind to perpetual ignorance. Humanity would never have known good and evil if Lucifer had not instructed them on how to become as the Gods.
Helen Blavatski also edited a publication named Lucifer. Rudolf Steiner believed that Lucifer had incarnated in China 5000 years ago. Leo Taxil (late 19th century) associated Freemasonry with the worship of Lucifer, known among Freemasons as the “Taxil hoax.”
In Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible, LaVey portrays Lucifer as one of the crown prices of Hell, the Lord of the Air.
In 2014, the Greater Church of Lucifer was founded in Houston Texas.
There’s also the Neo-Luciferian Church and Fraternitis Saturni, who believe that Lucifer is the demiurge, who created the visible world by breaking the static cosmic order. This created a war in heaven and brought death into the world. The principle battlefield is our earth, which contains a negative astral realm and a positive mental sphere apart from Earth’s physical form.
Around 700 CE Nibiran King Anu made Enki Science and the Quantum Computer (Dirgam) Czar for Nibiru []. ;
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MARDUK (Satan) Clashed with ENLIL (Yahweh) & NANNAR (Allah) Until Federation Rep GALZU Ordered Earth’s Age of ENKI (Lucifer)*
For detailed discussion, go to and
In July, 2008 Anunnaki Prince Marduk said Galzu--(representative of the Galactic Council) had a new “game plan” for humanity and that many of us incarnated here now to help Earth with its changes now as the Kali Yuga under Marduk and Nannar ends and the Saty Yuga, under Enki (the Age of Aquarius) blooms.
Marduk said that he’s pledged to cooperate with Nannar (King of Nibiru) and Anu (Nibiru’s retired King) to save Earth from its astronomical, political, environmental and consciousness crises.
Prince Marduk met with Michael Lee Hill, The Peacemaker. Marduk told Hill that the Galactic Federation’s Galzu has ended the difficult Nannar vs Marduk period, where Nannar’s and Marduk’s agents on Earth fought for control. Instead of Marduk’s or Nannar’s rule, we get peace among the Anunnaki factions that fought for control of Earth. The factions must cooperate with Enki, whose era--the Age of Aquarius--dawns upon us.
Here’s the background of the quarrel that made these princes fight: Anu, the legal Successor to planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty with King Alalu who slew Lahma. Anu quit as Lahma’s successor and agreed to let his and Alalu’s grandson Marduk succeed Alalu.
But Anu reneged, abrogated the treaty, deposed Alalu and denied Marduk Nibiru’s Crown.
Back in 440,000 BCE Marduk rocketed to Earth where he joined his father Enki, Chief Scientist, Earth Goldmining Expedition (the Anunnaki).
Marduk didn’t rule Nibiru; he only, for a while, ruled the Astronaut Corps (Igigi) on Mars.
Marduk wed a Hybrid (Sarpanit) whose ancestors his dad created. He built Babylon for both Anunnaki and Hybrids in Iraq.
Marduk backed the Igigi after they abducted or eloped with hybrid women following his wedding. He helped settle them on Earth. The Igigi and the lineages they bred with the slave-women, allied with him, settled in Jericho, Canaan, and Egypt.
In 3450 BCE Anunnaki Commander Enlil-Yahweh had his son Ninurta bomb Marduk’s Babylon.
In 2924 BCE Ninurta nuked the Expedition’s Sinai Spaceport to deny it to Marduk. Marduk’s brother Nergal bombed Sodom, Gomorra and the Salt Sea’s south bank to kill Marduk’s son Nabu.
To Enlil’s shock, a radioactive storm blew from the bombs he’d ordered dropped and also killed his Sumerian Earthlings. Enlil left Earth rule to Marduk.
Marduk split us Hybrids into nations, religions, and businesses which his agents ran. He and his agents (the Illuminati) secretly ran our countries, faiths, and companies until 530 CE.
In 530 CE Nibiru’s King Anu gave his Crown to his grandson Nannar-Allah. Nannar sent agents who infiltrated Marduk’s cabal. Marduk's and Nannar's people killed each other until now.
Now Marduk says he’ll no longer foment wars, ignite religious disputes, pit nations and ethnic groups against each other. He won’t, he says, enslave people and countries in debt. With Nannar and Enki, he’ll co-create Aquarius’ Age of peace, unity, synergy, creativity, and abundance on Earth.
Marduk has run the Earth from atop the pyramids of clandestine governmental, intelligence, spacefaring, military, criminal, banking, opium-financed and ET-Earthling research projects. [Penre, W.,2010]
Marduk sought Hill, a matrilineal Seneca Iroquois who embodies Marduk’s father Enki in modern form (Hill has the Nephilim blood factor, DNA Haplogroup X2a) to tell him of changes in Anunnaki involvement on Earth.
Marduk had a great change of heart, he said. He wishes to make amends to humanity for the harsh treatment he gave us
In Upstate New York in July, 2008, a man called “Loki” led Hill into a round gazebo named, “I Dream of Genie Bottle.”
Marduk, Hill writes, wore “a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human; it was wavy with very sculpted features, very beautiful. He seemed transparent. His face seemed translucent.”
Marduk brought in a man and a woman to do painless procedures on Hill to read his mind. They’d read and uplevel his “third eye” with shiny, flashing instruments and laser pointers they showed Hill. One instrument looked like a small wand with a bright purple/blue LED on top of it. They told Hill they’d remove some memory blocks.
When they were done, the male said. “I heard that you wanted to meet us and that you filmed our craft over Lake Erie.”
Marduk said Hill belonged to the Serpent Lineage within the Anunnaki Ruling Family that supports Marduk. Marduk said Loki led Hill to the gazebo to discuss how Marduk would bring a change how Nannar (Nibiru’s King since Anu abdicated) runs the Earth.
Marduk said he had a new “game plan” for humanity and that both Hill and someone else were incarnated here now to help Earth with its end time changes.
Get way more of the story at
* Anunnaki: EVOLUTION of the GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin—Just released
The Anunnaki, people like us, rocketed here 450,000 for years ago for gold to send home to powder for a sky shield.
200,000 years ago, their miners on Earth mutinied. To replace them, the Anunnaki created us from their genome, copper, clay-embedded minerals, copper and genes from Bigfoot’s African ancestor.
The Anunnaki gave us math, architecture, writing, botany, zoology, geography, kings, taxes, temples, priests, record-keeping, laws, libraries, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicine, festivals, beer, art, music, instruments, dance, and textiles.
But they also imposed hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt, and war. In 2024 BCE they ruined their Mediterranean cities with nuclear bombs and fallout.
Most of them returned to Nibiru, but some stayed and, with their hybrid kin, have kept us pitted against each other in dominator consciousness.
Recently, however, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joined Enki, and pledge to usher in the Age of Enki.
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