Earth Chronicles Series Article No. 49 ENKI PROBES THE HEAVENS How The Celestial Arc We Call The Zodiac Was Figured Out

 Earth Chronicles Series Article No. 49

How The Celestial Arc We Call The Zodiac Was Figured Out
Although Alalu was the first royal Sirian to set foot on Earth and even ruled the planet for the most part of 28,800 years, he did not at the end of the day make that much of a historic mark as he relatively quickly fell into disgrace and was forever tainted. It was Enki, his designated deputy, who eclipsed him and who is today “honoured”, albeit unwittingly, as the planet’s founder: this tribute is indeed borne out in the very word “Earth”, which is prefixed with his other name “Ea”. Of course his step-brother Enlil, the Bible’s main Jehovah, is religiously the more revered but that is simply because he extorted this preeminence by hook and crook. As we shall soon demonstrate, it is Enki who is to all intents and purposes the father of mankind from a material point of view.
Enki was a versatile scientist, acknowledged by the Anunnaki as Nibiru’s greatest intellect ever. It is not surprising, therefore, that when he arrived on Earth about 432,000 years ago, he did not merely restrict himself to the critical imperative of gold extraction: he also devoted himself to studying the planet’s flora and fauna, its geography and seasonality, and its firmament. It did not take him long to divide a day into 12 x 2 hours of 60 minutes each; a week into 7 days; a month into 30 days on average; and a year into 12 months amounting to roughly 360 days (The ancients used a 360-day calendar, which was reconciled with the natural solar year of 365.25 days every 6 years through adding a 30-day leap month). Why these particular reckonings, which were based on the numbers 6, 7, 12 and 30?
We did casually touch on this subject in an earlier piece, but it does bear repeating and further elucidation anyway. Whilst in modern-day mathematics we base our calculations on the Decimal System, or simply the number 10, Nibiru mathematics was based on the number 6. Nibiru’s Base 6 was owing to the fact that the Anunnaki, unlike Earthlings, were born with 12 digits – six fingers and six toes. Earthlings are born with a total of 10 digits – five fingers and five toes. On very rare occasions, some people come into the world with 12 digits, as happened with a late maternal cousin of mine, and are immediately operated upon to remove the extra ones. These incidences bear out the fact that humans indeed do carry Anunnaki genes.
Enki divided the day into 12 double hours of 60 minutes each. The number 12 primarily derived from the composition of the Solar System’s principal celestial bodies – the Sun; the Moon; Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune; Pluto (NASA in 2006 demoted Pluto to a minor planet without obtaining permission from Lord Enki!), and Nibiru. The number 60 represented ultimate authority in Anunnaki lore, as it stood for Anu, the ruler of Nibiru and the greater Sirian-Orion empire. Mathematically, it was the lowest common multiple of 10 and 6 and so best reconciled Earth’s and Nibiru’s natural mathematical base numbers. It is in this light that Sumerian mathematics, the Sumerians being the world’s best known civilisation of old, was sexagesimal, that is, based on the number 60.
As he observed the heavens, Enki noticed that the Moon was seen only once in about 28 days. Ideally, he should have divided a year into 13 lunar months totaling 364 days. Instead, Enki divided a month into basically 30 days of four ill-fitting weeks constituting 7 days each. Why did he do this? Well, Enki intended a closer correlation between Earthly phenomena and that of Nibiru. On Nibiru, a year was equivalent to 3600 Earth years; a month was equivalent to 360 Earth years; a week was equivalent to 36 Earth years; and a Nibiru day was equivalent to 30 Earth days. It was to relate a Nibiru day with an Earth month that Enki allotted 30 days to an Earthly month (A 12-month-year also matched the 12-man Pantheon of Anunnaki “Gods”). As for a 7-day week, this, as we have already seen, principally had to do with the fact that Enki and his Heroes toiled for six “days” whilst setting up Eridu, their first settlement on Earth, and rested on the seventh “day”. The number 7 ultimately came to denote Earth, being the 7th planet from Pluto’s direction. It explains why 7 and its derivative numbers like 17 and 70 bear such Biblical significance, witness Jesus’ impassioned appeal to “forgive 70 times 7 times”. (The Bible is fraught with numerology and other mystical symbolism whose meaning, significance, implication, and ramifications are best understood only by the Illuminati and dedicated researchers.)
What names did Enki give to each of the 12 months of our year? This is a brain teaser as history shows that the names appear to change from age to age and even between the great metropolises of Sumerian and Babylonian times. Nor are we any wiser as to exactly what names Enki gave to each of the 7 days of the week. The names we use today are of Roman origin and were assigned sometime between the Ist and 3rd centuries. They all derive from celestial bodies as follows: Sunday (from the Sun); Monday (from the Moon); Tuesday (“Day of Mars” in Latin); Wednesday (“Day of Mercury” in Latin); Thursday (“Day of Jupiter” in Latin); Friday (“Day of Venus” in Latin); and Saturday (from Saturn). The Romans chose these 7 celestial bodies because at the time, they were the only ones known of the Solar System: the Sumerian civilisation, which was aware of all the 12 principal members of the Solar System including Nibiru, had long disappeared along with the bulk of its scholarly as well as astronomical knowledge.
After living on Earth for seven straight shars, or over 25,200 years, Enki concretised a celestial study he had been patiently making all along – that roughly every 2160 years, there was a different band of stars – a constellation – in Earth’s evening skies. Indeed, at the beginning of the eighth shar, Enki noted that the constellation that he observed during his first 2160 years on Earth reappeared. In other words, the cycle had begun all over again. The constellations were of course not uniform in their duration: some lasted slightly longer or shorter than others. Enki, therefore, took the average duration, 2160 years, as the base mathematical figure, especially that it was divisible by both 6 and 60. Altogether, he counted 12 varying constellations. Why did the evening sky’s starry backdrop alter every 2160 years?
As the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Sun is at the same time revolving around the centre of the Milky Way galaxy and therefore is carrying the Earth and other planets with it. What this entails is that the Earth, once it has completed one year around the Sun, does not return to the same exact spot it was the previous year, for it is actually moving from one constellation to another, or from one zodiac house to another in a celestial arc. The Earth, Enki calculated, spent an average of 2160 years, also called an age, in each house, which was equivalent to 30 degrees of the celestial arc – the great circular path it made in its motion in space. Because 30 degrees amounted to 2160 years, then one degree amounted to 72 years. To completely traverse all the 12 houses, the Earth spent an average total of 25,920 years, or one complete revolution of 360 degrees. Thus the Earth, in its journey through the zodiac houses, returned to the same exact spot in space only once in 25,920 years. Enki called this duration the Great Year or the Grand Circle. In our day, we call it the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Having ascertained the Great Year, it was now time for Enki to allocate names to each of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac. What would be the basis for their naming? Enki decided the cue would be the most apparent shape each constellation made in the evening sky. For instance, he recalled that in his first 2160 years on Earth, the evening sky’s starry background resembled that of a lion. So he called this constellation URGULA, or Leo as we call it today. By the same token, he thought Cancer’s pattern resembled a Crab; Taurus looked a lot like a bull; Pisces’ was like two fishes; and so forth and so on.
The 12 constellations were observable mainly in the skies over the part of the Earth that lies between latitudes 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south. Enki called this celestial band the Way of Anu, after his step father. The northern skies, that is those seen north of the 30th parallel, he called the Way of Enlil to accord with Enlil’s base in the EDIN, whereas the southern skies, those seen south of the 30th parallel, he named the Way of Enki as indeed he himself was now to be based in the Abzu, today’s southern Africa, to oversee gold mining activities. It was Enki who marked the lines of latitude as well as the meridian lines. Conventional history, of course, will throw up such names as Amerigo Vespucci and, in relation to pointing mankind to the zodiac phenomenon, Hipparchus, but that is a red herring – a device meant to conceal the fact that there were technologically advanced peoples on Earth who figured these out long before mankind emerged.
By most calculations, the last Great Year, the one still in progress, began in 23820 BC with the constellation Aquarius. We are now in the Age of Pisces, which began in 60 BC. In the next 90 years or thereabouts, Pisces will be bidding farewell to us to again give way to the Age of Aquarius: the conclusion of the Great Year is upon us. That is speaking mathematically. In actuality, we may as well be in the age of Aquarius already as signs abound that there is a great deal of water symbolism in happenings around us – the ice bucket water challenge, capsizing ferries on seas as people from the Third World attempt to emigrate to Europe to escape wars and economic hardships at home, and recurring incidences of airliners plunging and disappearing into the sea.
History shows that when a new constellation had relatively recently been ushered in, its symbol came into vogue in human affairs. I will provide just one example in this connection. In the first three centuries of the Age of Pisces, the fish motif was practically all around. This phenomenon is nowhere better illustrated than in the New Testament, where Jesus is said to have formed the core of his apostolic band from fishermen; multiplied a couple of fishes to feed the multitudes listening to his countryside sermons; alluded to prophet Jonah spending three days in the belly of a fish; and himself fed on a boiled fish post-resurrection. In point of fact (which fact most Christians do not know), in the first three centuries, the Christian symbol was not the cross: it was fish! In his book The End of Days, the legendary Zechariah Sitchin shows a picture of a mosaic floor of an ancient Christian church dated to the 3rd century AD. In the centre of the floor is a depiction of two fishes – the zodiacal sign of Pisces.
You will also note that the ceremonial headdress worn by the Pope and other Catholic bishops – called a mitre – is in the shape of a fish. The Jesus story is steeped in fish symbolism as the Bible lays bare.
Just as the members of the Anunnaki pantheon of the 12 did have celestial counterparts – planets which symbolised them – they also had zodiacal counterparts – constellations that symbolised them. However, the symbolism was not particular to one person in every epoch: it differed according to Anunnaki political dynamics. As such, if Leo, for example, represented Enki in one Great Year, in the next year it might represent Utu-Shamash.
When Enki first came to Earth, he did so in the age of Leo – URGULA in Sumerian, meaning “Lion”. The lion is a sign of royalty. Initially therefore, Leo was dedicated to Enki as the God of Africa. In future epochs, Leo was associated with Utu-Shamash, Enlil-Jehovah’s grandson to coincide with his status as a Sun God since the lion also symbolised the Sun, with its mane representing the Sun’s corona. In yet another epoch, Leo was the zodiacal emblem of Inanna-Ishtar, Shamash’s twin sister. This we glean from ancient depictions of Leo, which variously show Inanna riding a lion, holding the lion by its tail, or keeping a lion on a leash, all triumphant gestures. It all allegorised her theft of the ME’s (tiny objects encoded with formulas for all aspects of science and civilization) from Enki at one time, after which she briefly wielded a command of general knowledge that rivalled Enki’s.
Cancer (DUB, meaning “Pincers”) was associated with Ninurta, Enlil-Jehovah’s firstborn son who was a formidable warrior, particularly in view of his vanquishment of Kumarbi, the “evil Zu”. Gemini (MASHTABA, “The Twins”) obviously commemorated the twins Inanna and Shamash, who the Egyptian zodiac indeed depicted as male and female. Taurus (GUANNA, “The Heavenly Bull”) was primarily the symbol of Enlil, who was indeed known as the Bull of Heaven. But the fact that the Taurian bull was depicted with the symbol of the planet Saturn on its back could also point to Ninurta, Enlil’s firstborn son whose celestial symbol was Saturn. Ishkur-Adad is yet another candidate as not only did he set up residence in the Taurus mountain range that stretched all the way from Turkey to Iraq but he too did adopt the bull as his secondary symbol as a prospective Enlil.
Aries (KUMAL, “Field Dweller”) would have been dedicated to Marduk, who took Abel under his wing to teach him shepherding, or his youngest brother Dumuzi, whose expertise in animal husbandry in today’s Sudan was lauded. The last age of Aries (2160-0) was plainly dedicated to Marduk. Pisces (SIMMAH, “Fishes”) was Enki’s fundamental symbol as attested by his other name Ea, which means “He Who Lives in Water”. Enki in fact had a fishpond at his dwelling at Eridu. But in some epochs, Pisces could have been dedicated to Ereshkigal, Enki’s granddaughter who was a prolific breeder of fish in today’s Great Lakes region of Africa as a spouse of Nergal, Enki’s son.
Whereas Aquarius (GU, “Lord of the Waters”) could have been Enki’s emblem in some epochs, the argument is persuasive that it largely applied to Ninagal, his fourth son with Damkina. For Ninagal’s epithet was “Lord of the Great Waters” – the seas. This was because he was the Anunnaki’s maestro maritime navigator, who was in charge of transporting ores by sea from the Abzu, southern Africa, to the Edin in Sumeria. Capricorn (SUHURMASH, “Goat-Fish”) is clearly Enki’s symbol. Enki’s principal emblem was that of fish but he was something of a goat too. In ancient times, a goat represented reproductive power (it has the biggest balls of any animal in proportion to its body and produces the hugest amount of semen in a single ejaculation). We know that Enki was a serial philanderer who planted children all over the place. Moreover, Enki was dubbed the Devil by Enlil-Jehovah for imparting privilleged knowledge to Adam and Eve. Enki therefore has since been the scapegoat for all the evil that wracks the world. His Capricorn symbolism was most likely intended as a resounding protest at this most glaring injustice.
Sagittarius (PABIL, “Defender”) is presented as an archer, a hunter. It could have represented Ninurta, who was the god of hunting. But in some epochs, it may have represented Enki, the only one of the Anunnaki pantheon who was a full-blooded Aryan (a being from Orion). The Orion constellation is also known as the hunter. Scorpio (GIRTAB, “which claws and cuts”) no doubt was the zodiacal counterpart of Utu-Shamash for it was he who was in charge of both the pre-flood and post-diluvial Anunnaki spaceports in Sippar and in the Sinai peninsula respectively. Indeed, the syllable GIR connotes rockets. In any case, the Anunnaki rank and file who guarded the spaceports were called “scorpion men” as they were always primed to “sting” trespassers.
The most probable candidate for Libra (ZIBAANNA, “Heavenly Fate”), represented by scales, is again Utu-Shamash, who was the Anunnaki god of justice. His cult city Sippar in fact housed the Anunnaki supreme court. Finally, Virgo (ABSIN, “Her father was Sin”) clearly was emblematic of Inanna, whose father indeed was Nanna-Sin, Enlil-Jehovah’s second born son and the Allah of Islam. Virgo is depicted as a beautiful maiden, which Inanna once actually was.
