Who were the Annunaki ELOHIM

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Who were the Annunaki :
Giant hominoids, standing on average 8 foot tall and far heavier and more muscular than humans, visiting Earth from their home planet, termed the Planet of the Crossing by the ancient Summerians.
This planet is known by many names - Niburu, Marduk, Wormwood, the Destroyer, the Red Star, and lately Planet X - but the ancient Sumerians termed it the 12th Planet, as they counted also the Sun and Earth's Moon.
In the words of the Zetas:
ZetaTalk: 12th Planet, written Jul 15, 1995There is life on the 12th Planet, the giant comet that causes the periodic pole shifts. The primary race is a humanoid race, who would be and have been considered giants by humans on Earth. There have been many excellent books written on this subject, and all hold a grain of truth.
They have a hierarchical structure. We would venture to say no true democracies as you might term them. However, there are among them intellectuals who have great compassion for their fellow creatures and fellow citizens and have great influence in their society and are revered.
The giant hominoids on the 12th Planet to this day dress in attire reminiscent of Roman soldiers. Rome in fact modeled after them, rather than these hominoids modeling after the Romans. The males find this to be comfortable attire that has a macho image. You might look to your ancient Greek and ancient Roman societies for a glimpse of their lifestyle, because these societies carried the influence of these visitors very heavily.
The giant hominoids were not grossly muscular, as mankind's over-developed muscle men are. They were and are well proportioned, with rounded muscles but without the extreme bulging that muscle-men try to achieve. Nancy, who has met one, will tell you that they are extremely attractive, and proportional..
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