Benson C Saili Jehovah’s Clan

Jehovah’s Clan
Benson C Saili    

They gave us Allah and inspired the Apollo moon mission nomenclature
When the Anunnaki were directly ruling Earth (they are still ruling the planet but behind the scenes), they were six generations.
Their Nibiru-based King, Anu, and his principal wife, Antu, the Orion Queen, constituted the first generation.   

Anu, King of the Gods in Heaven, Father of the Gods on…

 royal princes Anu & Alalu finally decide to end their grudges with each other, they chose to wrestle for the complete right of kingship

Enlil, Enki, and their sister Ninmah were the second generation.

To the third generation belonged the Enlilites Ninurta, Nanna-Sin, and Ishkur-Adad,


 the Enkites Marduk, Nergal, Gibil, Ninagal, Ningishzidda, and Dumuzi.

The prominent fourth-generation scions were Marduk’s sons Geb, Shu, and Nabu on the Enkite side, 

and Nanna-Sin’s son Utu-Shamash and his daughters Inanna-Ishtar and Ereshkigal.

As for the fifth-generation, the most chronicled are Geb’s four children Osiris and his sister-wife Isis, and Set and his sister-wife Nephtys.

When it comes to the sixth generation, Horus, the son of Osiris, takes pride of place.  

In this episode, we will devote ourselves to the Enlilite clan.  
Ninurta was the firstborn of Enlil, the Jewish god popularly known as Jehovah/Yahweh in Christendom. Born on the planet Nibiru, Ninurta’s mother was Ninmah, Enlil’s half-sister.
Ninurta’s full name was NIN-URU-ATA, meaning “Lord of Destruction” (from nin [Lord], uru [to shred, tear], and ata [to kill]), a term that aptly captured the innate ferocity and fierceness of Sirians both as a people and as warriors. His other title was NIN-GIR-SU, meaning “Lord of the Great Black Machine”. He was so- called because he flew in a formidable fighter craft known as TA-DI, which he used to strafe with bombs, and a IM-DU-GUD, in which he  forcefully transported labour conscripts. Yet another of his titles was NIN-IB (Nin-Ub-Ir in full, meaning “Lord of the Legacy” as here on Earth he was ideally the heir to Enlil). In the Vedic texts of ancient India, he is referred to as INDRA.
Ninurta was the god of war, hunting, fertility, harvest, and seasonality – the god of the plow and ploughing (symbolising    agriculture) and time-keeping. He was therefore associated with the planet Saturn, which was symbolic of war, harvest, and time-keeping. Hence, the Greeks called him Cronos, the god who was the very personification of time (from which the English terms chronology and chronometer stem).   He was often depicted holding a bow and arrow, a sickle sword, or a mace named  sharu.
As the god of hunting, he was associated with the Zodiacal sign Sagittarius, whose age he presided upon. After his destruction of the Anunnaki post-diluvial (after the flood of Noah) spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula, he became known as ISHUB, meaning “The Scorcher”.
Ninurta was married to his contemporary aunt Bau, also known as Gula, a younger sister of his mother Ninmah and a nurse by training.  His cult centre in the Edin was the city-state of Lagash. There, he lived in a sacred precinct which was nicknamed Girsu, after his eerie black aircraft. The Girsu was a virtual garrison as it was heavily policed by a retinue of soldiers.
In the Old Testament, Yahweh is repeatedly referred to as “The Lord of Hosts”, that is, a commander of regiments, such as ISAIAH 13:4 which says, "Yahweh, the Lord of hosts, a warring army commands." This is Ninurta being talked about here. ISAIAH 42:13 is also eulogising Ninurta when it says, "Yahweh goes forth like a warrior, like a hero He whips up His rage; He shall roar and cry out and over His enemies He shall prevail,” and so does EXODUS 15, “The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!” The Old Testament also makes mention of the lost book of The Wars of Yahweh, which in all probability must have been a dedicated chronicling of the warring feats of Ninurta.
Ninurta’s numerical ranking was 50, just like his father Enlil. He was awarded the ranking after he defeated Kumarbi, the “Evil Zu”, and retrieved the vital Tablets of  Destinies. But although he was heir to Enlil here on Earth, he never got to inherit him at all. The person who assumed the role of Enlil when he withdrew from day-to-day executive activities was Nanna-Sin.    
Nanna-Sin was to Enlil what Ningishzidda was to Enki – the favourite son. Like Ningishzidda, he was a kindly god and the very glue of the Enlilites. His human subjects hailed him as a very likeable god.   
His Sumerian name Nanna is actually the abbreviation of NA-AN-NA-RU, meaning “illuminator” or “lamp”. It derived from his emblem, the Moon, hence, his other epithet as the “Moon God”. In another vein,  Na-an-na-ru can also be rendered as  NA-AN-NA-UR,  meaning “Of Heaven (Nibiru) and of Ur”.  This is a most fitting characterisation as Nanna-Sin was the first royal Anunnaki to be born on Earth. Ur, Tell el-Muqayyar in today’s southern Iraq, was his cult centre.  
The Akkadians referred to him as SU-EN, abbreviated as SIN. The term Suen has typically been interpreted as “multiplying” or “fertile” god. This is because when Ur was under Nanna’s administration, it became the most prolific agriculturally – the granary of Sumer and the principal supplier of  sheep and cattle to other city-states in the broader Edin. But Suen could also have meant “Spiritual” or “Soulful Lord” as another meaning of “su” in the primeval languages was “spirit” or “soul”. As asserted above, Nanna-Sin was reputed as a humane god.   
The Egyptians called him ATEN and the Jews ADONAI, both of which mean multiplying god. The Canaanites called him EL, meaning “Lord”, or EL  ELYON, meaning “Lord Supreme”. El became Allah in Arabic. The Greeks called him ADONIS or Zeus, the King of Gods. Zeus, as we explained in one of our earlier articles, meant “Supreme Master”.
Its other meaning was JEHOVAH (JOVE in Latin), meaning “The One (ENE, title of a supreme being) Who is Here (rules on Earth)”. In other words, Jehovah meant “Earth Lord”. Earth Lord became the arbitrary title of Nanna-Sin (conferred on him by the Enlilites only) when Enlil handed over superintending responsibilities to him in the Age of Aries (2160 BC-0).  The Romans mistakenly called him Jupiter, when the real Jupiter (YAHWEH-PTAH, or YAH-PTAH in short) was Enki.
In biblical times, the city of Jericho – YERIHO in Hebrew, meaning “City of the Moon God” – was named after Nanna-Sin. As the Age of Aries drew to a close, Nanna-Sin and his wife Ningal (called Asherah in the Bible) settled at the southern tip of what is today called the Sinai Peninsula. The Jews accordingly named Mount Sinai after him. In Arabic, Mount Sinai is called Nakhl. Nakhl, or Nikal in Hebrew, is simply another rendering of the name Ningal.  
In earlier times, Nanna-Sin’s numerical rank was 30. That changed in the Age of Aries when Enlil passed the baton to him in defiance of Enki’s son Marduk, who by rights should have succeeded Enlil as Earth’s Chief Executive. In handing over the reins to Nanna-Sin, why did Enlil skip Ninurta, his firstborn son and who like Enlil held the rank of 50?  The reason was that since Nanna-Sin was born on Earth, he was more acceptable to the now more influential Earthling populace. He was effectively a “Son of the Soil”, as opposed to the real Alien Ninurta who was born on Nibiru.  
Nanna-Sin’s most famous kids are the twins Utu-Shamash, a boy, and Inanna-Ishtar, a girl. But he had other sons by concubine spouses. They included Yam, Mot, Yahar, and Shalem, after whom Jerusalem (Yerushalem) was named.  
Nanna-Sin is the Yahweh who commissioned Abraham into that epoch-making mission from Ur to Haran and onward to Canaan in 2048 BC (GENESIS 12:1).
Ishkur-Adad was Enlil’s third-born and youngest son. ISHKUR, meaning “Fiery Mountain”, was his Sumerian address. The Hittites called him TESHUB, and the Assyrians referred to him as ASHUR, again both names meaning “Fiery Mountain”, or “Mountain Fire”.  In the Bible, he is called EL SHADDAI (e.g. GENESIS 17:1, GENESIS 35:11, and EXODUS 6:2-3), meaning “God of the Mountains”.  Why was he so-called?
First, his main base was the mountainous areas of today’s Turkey, beginning with the Taurus Mountains, a mountain range that runs parallel to the Mediterranean Sea, extending along a curve from Lake Egridur in eastern Turkey to the upper reaches of the Euphrates River encompassing today’s city of  Baghdad in Iraq.  Second, he was a ruthless and punishing god. He was “bad news”, prone to volcanic-like eruption of rage and harsh vendettas. The name ADAD, “The Fearsome One”, attests to this predilection, as well as VULCAN, by which he was referred to in Nordic lore.
The Aztecs in central America called him TEZCATLIPOCA HUITZILOPOCHTL, meaning “Lord of the Smoking Mirror”. That part of the world was once the theatre of  turf wars between he and Enki’s son Ningishzidda, who was the region’s pioneer god.
It seems Baghdad (in ancient Persian meaning “God [A] Dad”) was once his cult centre as it is apparently named after him.
Normally, when the Enlilites waged war, it was against the Enkites but Ishkur-Adad (HADAD in the Bible)   sometimes used to fight members of his own clan in the wars of supremacy. As such, there are passages in the Old Testament, an Enlilite work, where he is denounced as a god of nations other than Israel and therefore anathema to the main Yahweh (Enlil), e.g. I KINGS 11:25).
 Ishkur-Adad was the dreaded “Storm God”, the god of rain, thunder and lightning. His distinctive emblem was therefore a pitch fork. The bull was also his secondary symbol, something he must have appropriated to himself after Enlil retreated into virtual retirement in the Age of Aries.
When the Anunnaki pantheon came up with a strategy to introduce the illusion of monotheism – cleverly presenting themselves as one god before mankind both to allay conflicts amongst themselves as well as  between their human subjects  and to create a kind of mystique in the Age of Aries – it was Ishkur-Adad   they chose as the prime  enforcer by virtue of his ferocity. His main punitive and retributive measure was to withhold rains to cause acute droughts and famine, particularly during the Jewish sojourn in the wilderness.
The passages PSALM 135:7 (He [Yahweh]  makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses) and JEREMIAH 10:13 (When he [Yahweh]  thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouse) are clearly talking about Ishkur-Adad.
Ishkur-Adad’s numerical rank was 10.
Utu-Shamash was the Anunnaki’s God of Law and Justice. In this context, he was associated with the Zodiacal Age of Libra, over which he presided. His Sumerian name UTU meant “Shining One”. This primarily had to do with the fact, first, that he was the Enlilites’ Sun God. Indeed, his Akkadian name SHAMASH means “Sun”. But it also meant “Fiery Rockets” in Sumerian. A shem was a rocket and Utu-Shamash was the Anunnaki’s principal astronaut and pilot. He was "Utu, who sheds a wide light,” who "lights up Heaven and Earth” as he traversed   space and the skies.
To the Canaanites, Utu-Shamash was known as BA-AL, which simply meant “The Lord”.  As the Anunnaki’s principal airman, he was given charge of the spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula and Baalbek, the terrestrial flights’ airport in the Lebanese mountains. Fittingly, the biblical name for Baalbek was BEIT-SHEMESH, meaning “House of Shemesh” as that was his abode too.  
Utu-Shamash’s cult centre in pre-diluvial times was Sippar, the “Bird City”, the spaceport of the day. Sippar also housed Sumer’s Supreme Court, again very apt as Utu-Shamash was the God of Justice.  His temple-house at Sippar was known as E-BABBARA, the “Shining House”. 
To the Enlilites, Utu-Shamash is the ruler of this age, Pisces. Ordinarily, it should have been Enki ruling it as Pisces has always been the preserve of Enki. However, the Enlilites hijacked it, just as they did the Age of Aries. In the Bible (REVELATION 9:11), Utu-Shamash is referred to as APOLLYON (a derogatory name meaning “away from lion”. That is to say, he is not a lion, the symbol of royalty, although he behaves as one. ABOL-UTU [away from a shining one/sun], another epithet for the same person, carries the same connotation). Apollyon is a transliteration of the Hebrew term ABBADON, meaning, “He whose father is Adonai”. Adonai, as we have already shown, was another name for Nanna-Sin, father to Utu-Shamash.  
Both Abbadon and Apollyon in time came to mean “Destroyer”, though “Usurper” fits the bill better in that by hijacking the Age of Pisces (Revelation is an Enkite document), Utu-Shamash and his ilk further distorted the established order which stipulated that Pisces was  to be presided over by Enkites.   
The shortened form of Apollyon is Apollo, the name by which the Greeks called him. Since his father Nanna-Sin was the Moon God, Apollo inherited the title at the outset of the Age of Pisces in the first century. The Illuminati know this setup very well. All of Nasa’s exploratory missions to the Moon were dubbed Apollo in honour of their Enlilite god Utu-Shamash – the “Evil Spirit of this Age”.     
Although Utu-Shamash was the firstborn son of Nanna-Sin and therefore automatic heir, in Canaanite days he fought pitched battles with his half brothers Yam and Mot who were older than him but were born to a junior spouse of  Nanna-Sin, for the right of primogeniture. A lot of blood was spilt but at the end of  the day, it was Utu-Shamash who remained standing.  
When Yahweh (Enlil or Nanna-Sin primarily) in the Bible complained about his people, the Jews, worshipping the Sun, he was in truth railing at them for worshipping Utu-Shamash. Remember, although the Enlilites were one clan, they were very territorial and did compete for the loyalty of Earthlings, who they used as cannon folder in their territorial wars.  
Utu-Shamash’s numerical rank was 20, higher than his uncle Ishkur-Adad’s, because he was in the line of succession.  His emblem as Sun-God was the lion as the lion was a representation of  the  sun, with its mane an allegory of the sun’s rays. When the patriarch Jacob nicknamed his son as the “Young Lion” (GENESIS 49:9), it was in honour of Utu-Shamash, who once had Jacob visit Nibiru for a time.  
