Jeff Sortino
 The Sumerian Tablets have been carbon dated (they are clay, not stone) to 2000 years older than when Abraham was even born
This isn't Sitchin. This is modern archaeology. The Hebrews are Sumerian. Even the Bible says they are from Ur (in Sumer).
In the Tablets, you find the same stories in Genesis except that the stories in the Tablets are much more detailed and far older. Genesis has a ton of missing info and some stories have been smashed together (conflated) into 1 story.
Common sense tells us what is true..........if you knew more about the Tablets. Get my 

The Identity of God: The Search for and Identification of God Through Ancient Texts

מחוות נסתרות לאנונאקי Secret homages to Annunaki בדתות אברהמיות

Jeff Sortino The Identity of GOD The Search For And Identification of God Through Ancient Texts Chapter 13 Who is God? That is a question that each person might have to answer for themselves. However, I want a specific answer. It is said that "truth" is different for everybody depending on their point of view. Beyond all this, no matter what someone perceives to be the truth, there is an absolute truth that is true to everyone, no matter if those people want to believe it or not. Since Abraham was born in Nippur and moved to Ur and was also from a long line of high priests, his father Terrah being one, it is likely that Terrah being one, it is likely that Terrah was a high priest of Enlil in Nippur. It is actually in their name. Hebrew ("H" is silent) = NI.IBRU in Sumerian. NI. IBRU means "of Nippur" or "Nippurians". The Hebrews are Sumerians. The Hebrews are Sumerians. Nippur was also the patron city of Enlil and the religious center of the whole region. This was the place of 'mission control' for the Anunnaki and where the 'bond Heaven-Earth' was located. It is logical that the God of Abraham is Enlil. God in the Bible seemed to be ruthless toward the Canaanites wanting everyman, woman and child killed including the lifestock of those people. This kind of ruthlessness right and wrong absolutism sure did seem like the personality of Enlil in the Sumerian Tablets. This what thought art first, but then I did more digging. In Summer there was a pantheon of gods to worship and the chances of other temples to other gods in each patron city was very high. It is possible that the God of Abraham and his ancestors was somebody else. In the Sumerian Tablets, it was Enki who was mainly responsible for the fashioning of mankind. He was the chief geneticist who? with Ninmah's help? created the spliced DNA embryo of the first man, (Adamu). It was Enki (the serpent) who tempted Adam and Eve and told them that if they ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge that they would not die, but became wise like God. It was Enki who fathered both Enoch (Enmeduranki) and Noah (Ziusudra). Enki gave Noah the plans to build the Ark which saved him and his family from the order by his half brother Enlil, to have all mankind perish in the flood. By thinking that Enki was the God of Abraham I found many similarities in scripture. Enki was the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Why is that Moses staff became a serpent and devoured Pharaoh's magicians' serpents as a miraculous sign? It proved that his God was the greater serpent. Genesis 7: 8-12 8 Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 9 "When Pharaoh says to you, 'Prove yourselves by working a miracle', then you shell say to Aaron, "Take your staff and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may became a serpent." 10 So Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh and did just what the LORD commanded. Aaaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11 Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts. 12 For each man cast down his staffs. Father of the gods of Egypt was Ptah who was Enki. Africa was his domain that he divided up for his sons to rule their respective territories. By Aaron's staff swallowing up the other "serpents, it showed that the God of Abraham was Enki. God instructed Moses to constract a brass serpent (some translations say copper) called the Nehushtan (meaning a brazen thing or a mere piece of brass). The brass serpent was on top of a pole and was made to protect the Israelites for speaking against God and Moses while traveling in the wilderness. Numbers 21: 5-9 5. And the people spoke out against God and against Moses. "Whey have you brought us up out of Egypt to die here in the wildness? For there is no food and no water, and we loather this worthless food. 6 Then the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people. 5 Then the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. 7 And the people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against you. Pray to the LORD, that he takes away the serpents from us. "So Moses prayed for the people, 8 And the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live." 9 So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole, And if serpent bit anymore, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. There are other things that point to Enki being the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, but one that stands out besides the similarities of the deed done by him and the God in the Bible, is his name, itself. EN.KI is a title and was given to him after coming to Earth and originally being in charge of the gold mining mission. His given name at birth was Ea (Ay-ah sometimes pronounced Yah) If you reverse the syllables of Yahweh to (W) eh-yah ("w' is silent) and it becomes Enki's given name of Ea. Coincidence? Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not. After all, Moses asked God what his name was on Mount Sinai. God response was "I am what I am". This is a mistranslation of the Hebrew: "אני שאני" "Ehye, asher, Ehyeh". The phonetic pronunciation is Ay-ah, ash-er, Ay-ah." Did he actually say, "I am that I am" or did God say "I am Ea!" (Ehyeh could mean 'I am' or it could mean Enki's given name of Ea.) Exodus 3:13-14 13. Then Moses said tp God. "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, "What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" 14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM.' And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you." The last sentence God spoke to Moses here most likely was mistranslated from "Ea has sent me to you." I wondered too, why did Moses ask God his name!? Did't he already know his name? There have been archeological finds in Israel pointing to Hebrew writings showing that there was a pantheon of gods and not just one. There are also writings that show God had a wife named Asherah. This could be the reason that Moses asked God his name, because he was not sure which God of the Hebrews was speaking to him. Also, at the top of the 10 commandments it starts out as: Exodus 20: 1-3 And God spoke all these words saying, 2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you oit of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." 3 You shell have no other gods before me." Again, the beginning of the verse 2 is mistranslation. There are two possibilities. 1) "Ea, the LORD your God...." or 2)" Enki is Ea's title which is broken down to EN (meaning LORD) and KI (meaning Earth). Enki means The LORD or Earth. All of these clues point toward Enki being Yahweh and the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, however there seems to be a dichotomy to the personality of Yahweh. The god of Samson, Saul. David, and Solomon seems to be a different character. This may not be so, but two instances come to mind in the Bible that make me think this. The first is when Samson was given his strength back by God to perform one more act - the destruction of the Temple of Dagon of Philistines. different character. This may not be so, but two instances come to mind in the Bible that make me think this. The first is when Samson was given his strength back by God to perform one more act - the destruction of the Temple of Dagon of the Philistines. This act also caused the death of Samson himself. The thing that intrigues me is that if the God of Samson was the God of Moses, and the God of Moses was Enki, then why did God allow Samson to destroy the Temple of Dagon (who is Enki)? It is true that God allowed the enemies of Israel to destroy the temple in Jerusalem later on. The second thing that makes me think that God could be another being at this time was what God said David was a man after his own heart. David saw the wide of one of his man, Batsheba, bathing and he coveted her. In the Tablets, this very scenario happened to Enlil with Sud. Enlil coveted her after seeing her bathing. However, Sud was not married at this time. Enlil and Sud ended up married in the end. There was a situation similar that happened to Enki too. He saw the two human women bathing and frolicking in the water of the Euphrates near Eridu and became aroused, this subsequently led to the Enki copulating with and impregnation both females and the birth of Adapa and Titi. Both Enlil and Enki would fit in this dichotomy. Who is Satan? In the Christian Church we think of God and Satan being two different beings that are polar ipposites to each other/ Like God in the Bible, Satan may also be an amalgamation of Anunnaki instead of one being. This still may be so, however, it is not so cut and dried, so to speak. As stated earlier, the consecration of the priesthood that God instructed to Moses sounds very similar if not identical to Satanic rituals today. Is it possible that God and Satan are the same being? I still lean to the idea that Enki is the biblical God to all of the patriarchs and prophets after the flood and the Tower of Babel. Most of the information we have in the Sumerian Tablets and Biblical scripture point to Enki as God. However, Enki might also be Satan. Satan was Marduk in the Bible where Satan ruled over 1/3 of the angels in Heaven that fell to Earth after the 'Evil Wind' from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Marduk in the Bible was the god Merodach or bel (Baal) who was the patron god of Babylon. The Bible tells of God referring to Kind Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon as his servant. Jeremiah 25: 9 9 behold, I will send for all the tribes of the north, declares the LORD, and for the king of Babylon, my servant, and I will bring them against all this surrounding nations. I will devote them to destruction, and make them a horror, a hissing, and an everlasting desolation. Jeremiah 27:6 6 Now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and I have given him also, the beasts of the field to serve him. Cyrus the Great of Persia, too, was also his servant. So, was Marduk, God and Enlil, Satan? One epithet that Satan and Enlil both shared was that Enlil was called "Lord of the Air", compared to Satan being called , Prince of the Air." Enlil was a prince and heir to the throne of Nibiru. Enlil too, was the one who wanted the mankind not to be created in the first place, but was outvoted by the Council of 12. Enlil, too, wanted mankind destroyed in the flood of Noah. Enlil, also thought that mankind should be destroyed in the flood of Noah. Enlil, also thought that mankind should be destroyed so Marduk would not have anymore soldiers to challenge Enlil for supremacy and eventually come to try and take Nibiru too. Marduk supposedly died around the time of Alexander the Great. So, did Enki take up his first born son's mantle of what Marduk has accomplished and now riled in his stead, or did Enki always rule as the God of this world?
Perhaps God in the Bible is Nannar/El. He is Allah to the muslims and in the Qur'an. He is the second born son of Enlil. He is known as the moon god and the cresent moon is still symbol for Islam today. It is unlikely Nannar is God, and it is unlikely that God in the Bible is anyone other than Enlil, Enki, or Marduk. For they were the most prominent of the royal Anunnaki/angels on Earth. The Anunnaki live so long of a life span that these would be the same beings that would rule today as they were in ancient times and even before mankind was 'fashioned'. So, we have two camps of factions among the Anunnaki - The Enlilites and Enkiites. The Bible is written from the view point of Enkiites. Three major things point to this:
  1. Everything in the Bible that is evil is referred as "sin".
  2. Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer and to end it with "Amen".
  3. Jews and Christians sing "Hallelujah".

The first idea that makes the Bible the view of the Enkiites, is that the 2nd son of Enlil, Nannar, happens to be called "Sin" from the Akkadians who came directly after the Sumerians. Coincidence?

When Jews and Christians alike say "Amen" after each prayer, we have been taught that the word means "so be it." Is it coincidence that Marduk was known to the Egyptians as Amen (Ammon, Amun), later to be called Amun-Ra. This is actually where the custom of circumcision and God's covenant with Abraham came from. Before Abraham, this was customary for the followers of Amen to be circumcised. Amen demanded it of his people. In Sumerian Tablets, the Anunnaki had no foreskin and when mankind was created, they were intrigued to notice about Adapa how much he resembled the Anunnaki, except for the foreskin on his genitalia. Obviously, a throwback gene to the animal side of our DNA. After a battle, the followers of Amen would cut off the dead penis' unless they were circumcised, in which it was commanded to cut off the right hand. These was trophies would be brought back to Egypt as burn sacrifices on the altar to Amen. The Enkiites were originally granted the domain of Africa to rule over, by King Anu.
How many times, if you have ever gone to church or to synagogue, have you ever sung, "Hallelujah?" Did you ever stop to think what you were singing? I never did until I read about the tablets. I was always taught that it meant a praising or rejoicing to God. The "jah" part of the word referring to the "Yah" in Yahveh. It is a coincedence that the former King of the Anunnaki before Anu was named Alalu (All-ay'-lu)? It is a praise or rejoicing to King Alalu (Allelujah/"H" is silent when spelled Hallelujah). Enki was married to Damkina, a daughter of Anu. Marduk, Enki's son was a grandson of Alalu and grandson of Anu. Only Marduk in the lineage of Anu was related to Alalu by blood. Is this a coincidence too? One of these coincidences would not make a convincing argument, but all the coincidences together makes the idea more than unlikely.

The Anunnaki are the ones who categorized the stars into constellations. They taught mankind this and from civilization to civilization throughout history it has never changed.

(Side note: This isn't only custom started by the Anunnaki and given to man. The type of government called "Kingship" was handed down to man, as was the custom of marrying half-sisters to keep the bloodlines pure. Marrying full blood siblings was frowned upon, but the marrying of half - siblings was encouraged. Many of the Anunnaki laws were handed down which show in the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon.)
Some of the Anunnaki royal bloodline that sat on the Council of 12 were assigned to a constellation. Some individuals of the Anunnaki were given more than one constellation.

The tablets hint at different Anunnaki may rule over Earth and mankind at different times. These times are determined by the celestial clock of the constellations of the zodiac. That is what the constellations are. They are a giant long-term clock. Hence; why many great civilizations all over the world have been obsessed with astronomy and time keeping. All the pyramid type and other monolithic structures are aligned with the stars and some are the clocks themselves. Stonehenge in England, ziggurats in Mesopotamia, other structures of the Aztecs and Incas in South and Central America, as well as. Mexico.
Every one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac are divided inro approximately 2,160 years each. Some constellations move in the sky in retrograde at 72 years for every 1 degree out of a 360-degree circle. This totals to the number 25,920. These are the number of years it takes for our system to revolve around the center of the Milky Way.

12 X 2.160 = 25.920
Constellations Years Years
With these celestial clocks there will be a center mark or stone to where you can view the rising Sun on the Spring Equinox either rising above or through the middle marker (window) of the three markers in front of the central marker (stone). The three markers or windows will correlate to the Equinoxes in the center and the outside markers being the Summer and Winter solstices. So, if you stood at the center stone or marker, you would view the Sun rising directly over ( or through if it is a window) the middle marker on the spring equinox. As the year continues to the Summer and Winter solstices, you would view the Sun rising over or through the other two markers (windows). Next time you see an ancient monolithic structure, look for these three doorways or windows (stones or markers) in close uniform proximity to each other. The Anunnaki (angels) taught mankind this and so it has been passed on through the ages. The Great Flood was the turning point in Earth's history. There were civilizations of mankind all over the Earth and they were at a rather highly technological level, relatively speaking. All of these civilizations were wiped out and covered with miles of mud and silt from the flood. Civilization had to start again. The Anunnaki set up the priesthood to limit their contact with mankind and most of the world did not ever witness them. Man worshipped them as gods and then one day, as ordered by Anu, they left Earth. Some of them may have never left. Are they still here?
Getting back to the constellations of the zodiac, each "age" (2.160 years) was assigned to a designated Anunnaki (god) from the Council of 12. Enlil was symbolized as the Bull (Taurus), so it could have been his time to rule during this "age". The next age to come about was Aries, the Ram which symbolized Marduk. The next age was Pisces, the Fish which symbolized the Anunnaki (unclear), but this happened to be around the time of Jesus Christ. Hence; why Christ told his disciples that he would be with them until the end of the age.
Mattew 28:20
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, And behold, OI am with you always, until the end of the age." (In some Bibles, 'end of the age' has been translated as "end of the world" to better fit the meaning of eternity.)
Now at this present time we are either transitioning into or are already in the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. This Water Bearer could be none other than Enki. Enki ruled over Africa and under the Seas. He was Oannes to the Babylonians, Dagon to the Canaanites, and Poseidon to the Greeks. Dagon and Oannes were depicted with him wearing the head of fish around the head of the deity worn like a hat with its mouth open. The body of the fish was solit down the belly and opened up which then draped down the back of the deity. The pope of the Roman Catholic Church today wears his ceremonial hat attached to his draping cape. The Pope's hat and cape are the representation of the fish that Oannes wore.
(See Below)
Tablet of OANNES
DRAWING of Oannes
Pope's Hat and Cape combo

Enki was Poseidon to the Greeks and was the founder of the great city of Atlantis. Atlantis has been a mystery to many throughout history. Because it hasn't been discovered, most dismiss the legend as merely myth. However, most people also dismiss the city of Troy as a myth too, until Heinrich Schuemann armed with his copy of Homer's "Iliad", discovered the famed city under the remains of another city which was called Hisarlic in nothwestern Turkey an 1870. People have always kept up hope that the famed Atlantis would one day be discovered. Well, it is my opinion that we have discovered it.
Richat Structure
First discovered by NASA astraunauts in June 1965 during the Gemeni 4 space mission, the Richat Structure was seen from orbit near the west coast of Africa near the town Oadane, Mauritania. Notice Oadane sounds like a derivative of Oannes the Babylonian god that Greeks called Poseidon and the Sumerians called Enki. The Richat Structure spans 45 kilometers in diameter and is regarded by archeologusts as a highly symmetrical and deeply eroded dome. It is comromised of concentric circles and fits Plato's description of Atlantis perfectly except for its altitude and distance from the coast. It is 1.381 feet above sea level with the surrounding plateau at 2.730 feet and 300 miles inland It is only accessible by land to the west. According to the Greek, Plato on his Timaeus and Critas, Atlantis was an island continent with the city of Atlantis being its capital. Perhaps most of the Sahara Desert was underwater before the great flood. This means the western bulge of Africa would have been the island continent that Plato spoke of. It is also outside the "Pillars of Hercules" (Straits of Gibraltar), just like Plato described. Perhaps the same catastrophe that caused Atlantis demise is the same one that subsequently pushed it and the surrounding Sahara Desert up. The Richat Structure has not been confirmed yet, but I believe it is a dead ringer for Atlantis. An argument can be made that God in the Bible is a certain Anunnaki at different times. Even thought, the God of Samson, Saul, David, and Solomon (could be Ishkur Enlil's youngest son or Enlil himself) seems to be a different God than that of Abraham, Isaak, Jacob and Moses, who was undoubtedly Enki. This dichotomy intrigued me for some time. After much reviewing the scripture, it is now my opinion that Enki is the God the most spoken of. The reason I believe this is that the Patriarchs and heroes of the Bible come from the same blood line as Enki. Enki fathered Noach (Ziusudra) and this was the first explanation that won over his half-brother Enlil, for continuing their continuing existence immediately after the flood. Marduk was Enki's first-born and it would make sense that both Enki and Marduk would call Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus of Persia their servants. However, Enki created humans against the ethics of the council by giving them the ability to procreate. Enki might have been punished somehow for this act. This is not in Sumerian Tablets, but there might be other tablets still buried in the sands of the middle east that might shed light on the missing information.
So, if God of the Bible was Enki, then who is Satan? We have been taught in the church that the "serpent" in the Garden of Eden was Satan. This is not true. We know that the "serpent" was Enki, who is also God in the Bible. But who is Satan? As I have stated earlier that the stories about Satan in the Bible clearly point to Marduk being Satan. This is true; however, one could make an argument that the title of Satan witched to somebody else. If God was Enlil before talking to Abraham and then Enki while contacting Abraham and after, then who took the title of Satan? Did it remain to be Marduk? One could make an argument that since God was Enlil and then became Enki later, then Satan, too may changed identities. Some authors that I will not mention seem to think that since Enlil was always against the best interests of humans, that he must be Satan if Enki became God. Some people think that Satan knowingly planted the Sumerian Tablets in the ground because he knew one day mankind would dig them up and he wanted to tell us lies in the archaeology so they would lead us astray. This is very unlikely. It is much more likely that the Bible is not divinely inspired and is inaccurately written by man copied from the Sumerian Tablets. This is not to say the Bible is a lie. IT IS NOT. The Bible is true, just not the way the church has taught. This is why more and more archaeological discoveries seem to support the accounts in the Bible. It is because these same discoveries support what is said in the Sumerian Tablets.
Another of royal Anunnaki who could be Satan after Sodom and Gomorrah event is Enki's son Nergal. Bergal allied himself with the Enlilites and against his brother Marduk. Nergal helped Ninurta destroy the 5 cities including Sodom and Gamorrah. Nergal too was ruler over "the underworld" or Hades in South Africa. At the time, South Africa was the lowest point of civilized world. Coincidence? Nergal was associated with Greek god, Hades. Nergal has also been associated to be the same as the Angel of Death or the Arch-Angel, Gabriel. He was the angel, Jubril in the Qurqan who chocked the prophet Mohammed until he agreed to write down what Jibril said. Subsequently, Mohammed write the Qurwan. Is Sartan Enki, Marduk, or Nergal? Could be Enlil? If we could pinpoint either God or Satan as one individual, it would help in deciphering who Satan might be. My best guest after researching and reviewing everything that I have, is that God in the Bible is mostly Enki with God being Enlil sometimes at the time of the flood and before. Both Enlil and Enki were the highest ranking Anunnaki on the planet when Anu was not here, not withstanding his two visits to Earth.
As was stated earlier, Satan is a title which means "adversary". Satan could be Enki or Marduk in the Bible when trying to wrestle the title of the Most-High or the most Supreme away from Enlil. Afterall, Enki was Marduk's father and could have been held responsible by Enlil for everything he did. Marduk was the patron god of Babylon. The Sumerian Tablets tell us that Marduk was seen dead in his temple at Babylon by both Cyrus the Great of Persia and Alexander the Great of Macedonia. After the death of Marduk, there is no mention in the tablets that Enki resurrected him, although this is a possibility. Another possibility that Satan after Marduk could have been Nergal. Nergal was Enki's son and sided with Enlilites and opposed his father's interests and directly opposed Marduk. However, there is a scripture that hints to prophecy where Marduk and his son, Nabu (where prefix for Nebuchadnezzar comes from) will bow before God at the Day of Judgment.

Isaiah 45: 23
23 By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: "To me every knee shall bow, every tongue will swear allegiance."

Isaiah 46:1
Bel bows down: Nebo stoops; their idols are on beasts and livestock; these things you carry are borne as burdens on weary beasts.

Bel is another name for Baal, who is Marduk/Merudach. Nebo is Nabu and Marduk's son. Rhese were the chief deties of Babylon.

French researcher, Anton Parks, has taught himself Sumerian and Cuniform writing, not like his predecessor, Zechariah Sitchin. He can translate all of the Sumerian Tablets. According to Anton Parks, the world "Satan" means, "Administrator" in Sumerian. There can be only one being that was described as a great administrator and brutal authoritarian. That being was Enlil. Prince heir to the throne of Nibiru. Satan most likely is Enlil who rules both Nibiru with his father, Anu, and rules over Earth as well. He was supreme over all the Anunnaki on Earth including Enki, but his supremacy, but his supremacy was always challenged by Enki's son, Marduk. So, Enlil was God in the Garden of Eden, tower of Babel, the story of the Great Flood where he decided to destroy all of mankind and later the destruction of Sdom and Gamorrah (and Admah, Zebri'im, Zoar, and the spaceport in Sinai), the roles were reversed in the Bible. Enki became the God who spoke to Abraham and his descendants, where Enlil became Satan. Perhaps Enki stayed on or close to Earth, where most of the other Anunnaki including Enlil returned home.
Another choice for Satan could be Enki himself. Modern day Satanists worship the depiction of the Baphomet. In the middle of the Baphomet is the entwined snakes which represent the double helix of DNA. This is still the symbol for Medical association today.
Enki was inspiration behind the Baphomet having a goat head. Enki was fond of goats and was the Babylonian god Oannes symbolized as the fish-man. He is the one assigned the symbol for the constellation of Capricorn (the goat-fish). Enki also represented with the constellation of Aquarius and perhaps Pisces as well. It is unclear, but all things with water are associated with Enki.) Satanists, too, have promiscuous sex and are known to have orgies and pedophilia in their rituals. Enki was known to be very promiscuous and had sex with his granddaughters, etc. He is also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all the way though to Solomon. He is the wise one, the one who created homo sapience, the bringer of light, the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Even the disciple Paul told the churches that Satan was the God of this world.
2 Corinthians 4: 4
4 Satan, who is the God of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. The are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

Remember, God was translated from the word "Elohim" who are the Anunnaki. A plural world, so when you read "God" in the scripture, it is difficult to understand which Anunnaki is being referred to. This allows many times for a case of mistaken identity.

However, when the Anunnaki agenda seemed to go against the best wishes of humanity, Enki was the one who stepped in to argue for mankind, but it was Enlil who was heir to Throne on Nibiru (Heaven) and was the god "Most High" or possessed supremacy. Enlil was monogamous in his relationship with his wife Ninlil. It was Enlil that thought the intermingling between the young male Anunnaki (angels) and the daughters of men were an abomination. Perhaps now, Enlil thinks some humans are "good" and should survive while the rest should perish, but that an assumption. It is unclear.
A minority of Muslims believe that Satan or Shaitan in the Qur'an was the Egyptian god , Set. Set killed his brother Osiris and cut up his body into pieces and spread them out over the land. Isis, Osiris' wife and sister reassembled all the pieces of her husband except his penis.
She asked the help of the god Ptah who helped Isis inseminate herself with the 'essence' of Osiris. She gave birth to Osiris' son, Horus, who then later on took revenge for his murdered father and defeated his uncle Set. The same scenario plays out in the stories of the Anunnaki with Osiris being Asar, son of Marduk (Amen-Ra) and Horus being Horon. The evil Set had had his Sumerian counterpart as Satu. The Sumerian Tablets tell us that the Sphinx in Egypt was originally the face of Ningishzidda (Thoth), the designer of the Great Pyramid, and its companion. The sphinx was built immediately after the Great Pyramid and its companion to commemorate its designer. It faced directly toward the spaceport in Sinai. The face was re-carved later on the order of Marduk (Amen-Ra) to the likeness of his dead son, Asar (Osiris). Supposedly, that is still the face we see on the Sphinx today.
This plurality of the Biblical God does not make a lot more sense when you look at the times God seems to be arguing with himself in scripture. God it first created mankind and thought it was good, but later thought man was mostly wicked and decided to destroy him with a worldwide flood, but decided to save Noah and his family. Also, when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac to test his faith", only to have an "angel" stop Abraham's hand just before the fatal strike. At the tower of Babel, it seemed mankind was creating something great and God did not like it, so he destroyed the tower and confused the languages of man and spread them out over the world. Also, when God was wagering with Satan, bragging about how his servant Job was great man. Satan said to God, that Job would not be that way if God not provide him with everything. It was like a bet between the two. This was the same with Abraham sacrificing Isaac. One would conclude that if God was Omniscient and Omnipotent, then why would he second guess himself or have to prove anything to anyone? Well now we know that the Anunnaki royalty were arguing among themselves and making wagers to prove it to the other.

Job 1: 6-12

6 Now there was a day when the songs of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7 The LORD said to Satan, "From where have you come?" Satan answered the LORD and said. "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it." 8 And the Lord said to Satan. "Have you considered me servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?" 9 Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "Does Job fear God for no reason? 10 Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands and of his possessions have increased in the land. 11 But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face". 12 And the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your hand." So, Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.

Jesus Christ

There is more information we must consider that I haven't mentioned yet, when talking about the biblical identities of the Anunnaki. This information is the New Testament and the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can see how confusing this can get by just trying to simplify things down to just a good guy and the easily distinguishable bad guy. It is not so simple. According to the Bible, we know that Jesus was the son of God. We know and that he was his begotten son (first born son and traditional heir to his father's estate by blood rite). Many Bibles have been mistranslated to say, "only begotten son", thus confusing the, meaning of "begotten" which actually means "first born". However, trying to figure out who Jesus' father was is more difficult. To whom was he referring when he said "my father". The logical choice would be Enki, but again it is not that simple. All of the Anunnaki referred to King Anu as their father. So, they would have a biological father, and their King, Anu was their Heavenly father. If Enlil was reincarnated as a man in Jesus Christ, all of this would make sense. Enlil would be the son of the Almighty God (King Anu) and would be seated at the right hand of the Father of Heaven. He would have saved the "good" humans by judgment when "they" return. However; we are not told this and it is unclear if Enlil or some other Anunnaki is Jesus.

I believe Jesus is of the Anunnaki and either the incarnation of one of the royal Anunnaki, a demi-god fathered by one of the royal Anunnaki, or quite possibly a 'fashioned' embryo fromn the DNA of the Anunnaki (perhaps a clone) and genes tweaked to be identical to mankind and then artifically inseminated into the Virgin Mary. Still believing in the Bible's narrative, I tend to believe the last one. There is one verse in scripture that explains that Jesus is not human is when he said it himself in the book of John:

John 8: 23

And he said into them, ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

Most of my fellow Christians will say that he is of Heaven, or another spiritual realm, or another dimension. All of those fit the definition of an extraterrestrial. I will continue to study to find more clues that will tell us his exact identity. My current view is that Enki is the God of Abraham and his descendants. Enlil is the one referred to as Satan after the time of Sodom and Gamorrah, and Jesus is the compromise between the arguing half-brothers. Believers and followers of Jesus will be allowed to be saved, where the rest will perish.

https://lost-origins.com/s03e04-the-identity-of-god/ https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/the-identity-of-god-the-search-for-and-identification-of-god-through-ancient-texts-9781797573564
